Too many fans seem to be blown away
SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
View MoreA great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
View MoreWorth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
BuT what was ThAt EnDiNg? HoW did EvElYnS body get InTo ThE elevator when Allie WaS running FrOm HeR? how DiD Shelby get KilLeD if Allie WaS with Dylan? HoW were those CaLlS made? how WaS that other GuY killed when Allie was DoInG the MuSiC video? WhO was ThE creeper ShE saw At ThE graveyard PhOtOsHoOt? HoW did ThAt OtHeR guy GeT into the ElEvAtOr WiTh EvElYnS body? why WaS he just chilling in there WiTh ThE body? WhY does this movie InSiSt On MeSsInG with me? again, Don't GeT me wrong. ItS a great MoViE but ThAt EnDiNg Is JuSt So MuCh WhAt? WhAt EvEn WaS that ending? Other than that it'd be a 10/10 for me. ItS just that ending that gets to me!
View MorePaul Lynch's 'Drop Dead Gorgeous' aka 'Victim Of Beauty' (the latter the better in my opinion) is an under-rated sleeping beauty for thriller fans. Especially those who enjoy a murder mystery with twists and turns. Lynch's Direction is solid for a TV movie. It obviously had a TV Movies Budget. The acting isn't award winning but believable. What makes this movie special is the story. Harriet Steinberg has created a fantastic script. Not so much the dialogue but the way this mystery is plotted and unfolds. Everything a Murder Mystery needs; many suspects, motives, confused sexual orientation, red herrings, an underlying story that occasionally raises its ugly head, and a sting in its tail. Rubin is beautiful, Outerbridge is talented and the supporting cast do a good job.This is not so much a suspenseful thriller. All Murders happen off camera. We only see the left over bodies. But it is a very good Murder Mystery Thriller with a great twist that works. Check it out.
View MoreWell, first to the plot: There are some very good ideas here, since the way the mystery is revealed is quite good, especially since you are given clues right at the beginning (Rubin's obsession with child abuse) that make the ending quite an "Aha!" experience. On the other hand: So why did Kellerman place those phone calls? And why got Candy killed?? Jennifer Rubin is great, as usual, especially in the last sequence. She again proofs that she is one of the most talented actresses on the screen. The other actors are rather bad compared to her, for example this silly rock star (also the video clip look quite ridiculous). And why did they make Kellerman look so ugly in this film? Well, but the great performance by Rubin saves everything, as usual.
View MoreRecently shown on cable tv under the title "Victim of Beauty" this film was made 10 years ago, and on the whole carries itself well. Stunningly photogenic school teacher becomes fashion pin-up though as that career progresses she is followed around by a series of murders. Basically a "whodunnit" what I like is the way the movie constantly teases the viewer as to the identity of the murderer though in hindsight ample clues are given throughout. The plot and the story line are generally ludicrous and preposterous but of course that is the norm for so many films whereby the film-makes expectations of their audience is zero level. Nevertheless this picture is very watchable, the star of the show being the actress portraying a lesbian fashion house head. A scenario dealt with intelligently and maturely. The surprise climax of the film reminds me of classic Hitchcock whereat all the clues fall into place.
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