Drug War
Drug War
R | 16 May 2013 (USA)
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A drug cartel boss is arrested in a raid and coerced into betraying his former accomplices as part of an undercover operation.


Absolutely amazing


The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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Is Johnnie To the best visual storyteller working in cinema today - or for that matter, during the past 20 years, plus. Is The Pope Catholic?Funnily enough, the story - as in who's doing what to whom and what eventually happens to each of them - doesn't matter, especially. Well it does, in the sense that we're interested in knowing that the police are looking to infiltrate and eventually defeat the drug syndicate that has been doing such damage to both the local Chinese populace, and their counterparts in neighbouring Asian countries; but there really would be no point in trying to track, minutely, the evolution and construction of that story. The best way - maybe the only way, in Drug War's case - to enjoy Johnnie To is to just sit back and watch the knitting together of a story through immaculately-chosen visuals, and a succession of frequently rapidly-edited images, viewed from a wide variety of perspectives. If you focus on one character and try to follow his or her story arc you will probably quickly throw up your hands in exasperation.I got the plot, and I loved the resolution, and I enjoyed the thrill- ride. I thrilled at the editing, and the choreography and recognised that this story just couldn't have been told better, if you ditched 70% of the characters, and scenes - to make it more easily-digestible. There were some great characters, action scenes, charismatic acting, and great support bits. Have I covered everything you need in a great film? Pacing: top-notch; the rapid switches of perspectives to show how the relevant characters were reacting had me drooling. Technology is used, but not abused.Masterpiece. And there was me thinking that by 2012, Johnnie To had most likely lost the plot, given his age. Not a bit of it.I've just ordered the DVD (Saturday night's viewing was a late-night TV broadcast). I can't wait!

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I really enjoyed the movie,it started well and the story line was nice but the shooting effects was bad,too bad if a director like Roland or Danny Boyle has taken it,it would have being awesomely great,but i also got a problem,i didn't like the way Timmy died. He tried surviving till the very end only for him to survive he still died,and that was very annoying and how did that cop at the end of the movie cuff his legs,that was the most annoying part for me,to very annoying but it was a great storyline but poor shooting effects. I really love Asian movies its certainly the best if not its very entertaining so very much. if you think am wrong tweet me @iamowomizz

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Jonnie To cannot do wrong by me. It's not only the perfectly choreographed action scenes, but also the way he depicts the characters in his movies. The story twists are also really good, as in this one, where you get the cat and mouse game between cops and bad guys too. Really good acting in it too.Without going further into the story and without saying there is too much violence in it either (though some might feel that way), I can only tell you that you need a great home system to really enjoy this. While I too compared To to John Woo at first, he has surpassed him and is a brand of his own. This is not his best movie (Election 1+2, Fulltime Killer), but even so a really great one

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Acting was solid mostly. Story was too predicable. Basically a really terrible imitation of a throw-away American 70s gansta movie without all the fun and humor. The message is, drugs are bad and drug dealers gets justice. Don't do drugs.The thing is, the movie can propaganda this message and also makes it fun (see Lethal Weapon series for great examples). This is way too serious and at least show cops hold their weapons correctly (see End of Watch). Wasted my time.

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