East Side Story
East Side Story
| 01 January 2006 (USA)
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Diego is a gay but closeted Hispanic chef living in East Los Angeles who works in the restaurant operated by his grandmother. Frustrated by the secretive lifestyle he shares with his similarly closeted lover, Pablo, Diego finds himself attracted to Wesley, one of the openly gay Caucasian men he feels are gentrifying his neighborhood. Their relationship pushes Diego to consider the possibility of a life he had never imagined.


Very well executed


Very best movie i ever watch


This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.

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Verity Robins

Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.

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Gay movies very often suffer a lack of funding and subsequent underdevelopment. East Side Story bears no sign of this; the production values are good and the acting is mostly great (the lead actor is particularly good). Diego is approaching 30, yet his life has consisted of very little outside of working at his family's restaurant in East Los Angeles. After being dumped by his "boyfriend", rather than face the ensuing fall-out over his homosexuality, he resolves to leave LA and make a life for himself in Phoenix. But a brief meeting with his openly gay new neighbours begins opening his mind to the possibilities of life - if he can only have the courage to be who he is.The blurb for this film claims that it avoids all the clichés, and that is actually true. Just about everything works perfectly in East Side Story, a welcome fact that ensures you concentrate on the emotional journey playing out on the screen. Those who saw "Mambo Italiano" another gay film of high production values (from Canada) may notice some story similarities, but every element is still very valid. Anyone looking for a good gay movie should certainly give East Side Story a go.

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Paul Creeden

I am not a fan of the 'new gay' cinema, dominated by West Hollywood materialism and blonde stupidity. So, I was delighted to see this film, which did not disappoint from start to ending. I was impressed by it.I am 58 and grew up in a town which was 90% European-American in the 50s and 60s when I was a kid. That town is now about 75% Hispanic-American and Hispanic immigrant. And it is also being gentrified slowly by urban refugees, many gay, who are attracted to its proximity to Boston. So, I am quite familiar with the issues represented in this movie. I also happen to be gay.The core conflict of family vs. individuality as experienced by Diego was my core conflict when growing out of an ethnic proletarian family. His grandmother was more supportive than most elders in these situations. His aunt's schizo attitude toward gay men and Diego is also typical of people in these communities, who are torn between traditional brainwashing by churches and neighbors and love of their own children as individuals with their own lives to live.Dennis' alcoholism and codependent relationship with Jonathan are all too common gay phenomena. I particularly enjoyed the local AA guys who show up for the new gay AA meeting. They rang true. The reality base of the film is its most impressive feature. The relatively good production values are also impressive, since I am sure the budget was limited. Talent is the explanation.I hope the Portugal-Toledo team continue to work together. And I highly recommend that you see this on DVD.

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Nobody lifts any weights or does a single stomach crunch in this movie, though it's important to note that all the gay male characters have muscular arms and flat stomachs with six-packs. This low-budget film doesn't exist to enlighten or involve viewers--it just wants us to ogle the men as fantasy objects (even the proverbial bitchy queen looks like a steroids-addict). Diaphanous script, co-written by director Carlos Portugal, involves René Alvarado as a waiter in East Los Angeles who always looks on the verge of crying; he's impatient with his secret lover over their closeted relationship without really noticing that he himself isn't 'out' to his family (he seems to have no friends). Just after the affair goes bust, Alvarado meets the new neighbors across the street: a flaming, nagging femme and his partner, a sensitive, quiet butch with abs like granite. In what neighborhood did Portugal come from that he thinks this scenario resembles anything intelligent gay audiences can relate to? A little of the dialogue is sharp and funny (most of which belongs to the female characters), and there's a hammy but rude, snorting scene of satire involving participants of an AA meeting. Otherwise, the picture is a little patronizing to its core audience as it prolongs the see-through melodrama to an excruciating length just to get the waiter and the neighbor out of their shirts. I'm assuming they hit the gym afterwards. *1/2 from ****

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Diego (Rene Alvaredo) is almost 30, living in east LA with his grandmother (Irene DeBari), helps run a family restaurant, has no friends and has an unhappy relationship with a VERY closeted real estate agent (David Beron). Diego also is in the closet but wants to come out. Then a gay couple move next door--and Diego falls for one of them (Steve Callahan).This is extremely light and a little lacking in plot--but how many movies to we see about a gay Latino man falling in love and struggling to come out? It's well-directed, moves very quick and has a very good attractive cast. Alvaredo and Callahan are (to put in mildly) very handsome with nice bodies...but they also can act. Also DeBari is excellent as Diego's grandmother--her and Alvaredo play off each other perfectly. Also Gladys Jimenez (as Bianca Campos--an aunt) comes roaring out full force. She has the funniest lines ("A four way is not an orgy!") and plays them full tilt. I also have to admit more than a few moments had my audience choking up--Diego's wanting to come out is sometimes painful to watch and DeBari's total acceptance of him is very moving.My only complaints are the plot is kind of sketchy, the ending is way too unbelievable (this one pushes for a happy one) and the two main villains in this (Pablo and Wesley's lover Jonathan) are so vicious it gets uncomfortable. And we're supposed to believe a hot young guy like Diego has NO friends??? Still this is fun, light and also includes some very passionate guy on guy kissing. Recommended.

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