Even Money
Even Money
R | 13 March 2007 (USA)
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Gambling addiction bring the stories of three otherwise unconnected people together as it destroys each of their lives.


Some things I liked some I did not.


Amateur movie with Big budget


Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.

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It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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As if it mixes Magnolia (1999) with Jackie Brown (1997). The matter of many ordinary people having their own problems, interweaving together, from the first, with the crime's atmosphere that gathers different people in one climax, from the second. But does it succeed.. in whatever ?! It's about gambling, as a pure idea maybe. The has-been magician gambles with his life savings, to lose and die. The basketball player's older brother gambles with his brother then his own life to lose and die. The henchman gambles with his life to lose and die. And the lost writer gambles with her and her husband's life savings to lose and not die. As you see it's dark and disappointing. And while there is somehow a happy ending, meanings about love and sacrifice, there are also some questions to be asked : Was that henchman suppressed homosexual or just a lonely person in desperate need for a friend ? What about the friend's story? How he works out his relationship with his girlfriend or revenges on the killer of his companion ? (he only was about to hit the girlfriend as an ultimate answer !).The worst thing is when the character of that crippled dusty detective (Kelsey Grammar in one heck of a NOSE!), gives a voice-over speech as a finale, while saying forced aphorisms like "The human needs more..", and so. Well, who is that character in the first place ?!, and why does he – suddenly and oddly – conclude the movie ?! And it isn't enough without the appearance of the crime lord Ivan (played by Mark Rydell, the director himself) as the glossy god of that filthy world and everything everybody dreams of (?!). So is it some reading to our world as evil? Is it a tragedy of fools? Is it a satire against the human greed? Or is it just another melodrama where the writer kills nearly everybody then preoccupies himself with extracting philosophical lessons at the end? In any case, that ending is nothing but more disappointment !I can't believe how bad the level of directing is. Rydell didn't do anything. The case is hellishly TV-ish (dead is the word). Save the editing, which – thank god – made it coherent and no boring, there is absolutely no second to call clever or smart. It's all about actors chatter in narrow cadres with great tepidity. So eventually while the movie provides some dramatic stories for some actors, hoping to be another Magnolia, or even Crash, it ends up as so poor and uneven.Kim Basinger has so limited capacities, some other actresses could have shined in her role. Forest Whitaker is good, but in something lesser than him. Kelsey Grammar committed a crime by accepting the worst written role in history. And Danny DeVito does it with no particularity whatsoever; no wonder since that have-not situation did strike utterly, what I wonder about is his involving in producing this. The only merit it has is its witness that Jay Mohr can do drama effectively away from his much known stiff comedy. Making any movie is a gamble. But this movie's makers gambled good names in a losing game. So with another writer or – sure – director, (Even Money) could have been something to watch, love and respect. Because I regretted those 113 minutes of artless time and alleged wisdom.

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Hamish Kearvell

Even Money follows a theme that many are seeming to tackle lately. That of intertwined actions from inter-related characters resulting in one climactic reaction. Crash mastered this superbly only two years earlier, and now comes Even Money.Lined up with a commendable list of actors, Even Money sets out to prove something from the start. Based around a theme of gambling addiction and its consequences, Even Money definitely delivers where it matters. Everyone plays their part effortlessly but some obviously stand out more than others. After disappearing into the world of direction, Danny Devito reappears as a failed magician still holding onto his dream. His character offers moments of comic relief and utter charm. Tim Roth is impeccable as Victor, the second-hand man to mysterious Ivan. But it is that of Forest Whitaker who absolutely shines once again in this film, showing that there is no role he cannot hold.While the acting for the most part is truly fierce, and the mood is alive with all the happenings of a gritty urban underworld, Even Money feels like it tries just a bit too hard, or possibly, not enough, in making the character's stories interweave and you can see it a mile away. But even with that, it is much more about the emotions portrayed through those lasts scenes and the impact they have. Even Money is a dramatic and powerful attempt at a new Crash and achieves a definite amount of success.Hamish Kearvell A.K.A Screaming Japan Productions - www.myspace.com/screamingjapanproductions

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Herb Yellin (Herby11230)

The comparisons to "Babel" and "Fast Food Nation" are way off the mark. "Even Money" is a film noir with revenge at its center, in gambling win or lose there is a payday and in this movie all the debts are paid, and there is potential for two couples to emerge from their morass. This is a good film, directed by a pro, Mark Rydell, who has even has a cameo role in which some of the irony and mystery is explained.This is a sleazy movie -- to paraphrase Michael Douglas in "Wall Street," sleaze is good, and tips its hat to Orson Welles in one of my favorite films, "Touch of Evil." Yes, it is about addiction and much of the extraordinary cast (Kim Basinger, Kelsey Grammar, Danny Devito, Forest Whitaker, Ray Liotto and Tim Roth among them) play it carefully, straddling the line, without becoming camp or going over the top. High marks to the director for this.If you like your cynicism straight and don't turn your head at a little cinematic violence this is a movie you will enjoy. Its well worth taking a flier on.

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Jay Harris

First odd, this is a multi-part story,involving various types of gambling & the persons involved with gambling.The scenes involving Danny DeVito, Kim Basinger & Ray Liotta are the best, Forrest Whittaker & Nick Cannon scenes are almost as good, I could have had mess MUCH less of the ones with Jay Mohr & Tim Roth & Kelsey Grammar, Not they were bad, just not as interesting.Mark Rydel directed with his usual Flair, & production values was quite good, The film runs 113 LONG minutes, it could have been shorter.This film is another example of having a very short release in only a handful of theatres.Ratings **1.2 (out of 4)78 points (out of 1oo) 7 (out of 10)

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