Gang of Roses
Gang of Roses
| 10 October 2003 (USA)
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In 1828 the town of Flat Ridge is over run by a band of outlaws looking for lost treasure said to be buried somewhere in town. In their quest for dominance, the outlaws kill Sally, a prostitute who happens to be the sister of Rachel and a former member of the disbanded Rose Gang. With the weight of grief on her heart, Rachel decides to shed her new found religious faith to bring vengeance upon her sister's killers. After laying Sally to rest, Rachel goes in search of her former posse to assist her in avenging her sister's death.


SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?

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This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.

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The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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Tyreece Hulme

One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.

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So this movie came on TV last night and I decided to watch it. I have seen this movie before and I can say that I was reminded again of how good this movie was when I finished watching it. I thought it was amazing and the acting was great, as well as the music and the story that was told. However, I wish it was longer so we could see the outcome of what happened to the last 3 girls left and as well as Macy Gray's character. The storyline is not hard to understand, but I wish more was included. I would have liked to know who was the woman that got shot while the girls were robbing the bank, as well as some other things in the film. I was excited when I found out that it would be a part 2, but my excitement was short lived. I say this because the sequel has NONE of the original characters and it's not going to start from where it left off. I was hungering for more so I could see what happened, now I won't even get it since the 2nd one will be nothing like the first. Overall, Gang of Roses was a great film, I just wish the sequel would have included the original characters and storyline.

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first of all three out five cowboys in the old west were black, Mexican or native-American. Read a book. Preferably one on Bill Pickett, Mary Fields, or Clara Brown. Read up on influx of Chinese labor after the Civil War. This movie wasn't bad because there weren't any minorities in the Old West. it was bad because it wasn't focused. There was no plot and the characters weren't authentic. Neither were their outfits. If you took out the horses and the dusty western town, it would be just like any those other ghetto films where rappers get top billing just because they contribute to a soundtrack. Bobby Brown was the best actor in this whole,horrid mess. And that's really saying something.

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I would have liked to give this movie a zero but that wasn't an option!! This movie sucks!!! The women cannot act. i should have known it was gonna suck when i saw Bobby Brown. Nobody in my house could believe i hadn't changed the channel after the first 15 minutes. the idea of black females as gunslingers in the western days is ridiculous. it's not just a race thing, it's also a gender. the combination of the two things is ridiculous.i am sorry because some of the people in the movie aren't bad actors/actresses but the movie itself was awful. it was not credible as a movie. it might be 'entertaining' to a certain group of people but i am not in that group. lol. and using a great line from a great, great movie..."that's all I have to say about that."

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Enjoyable to watch, the scenes and girls are really beautiful. From the start it struck me how different each girl in a gang was -- their character, temperament, fads, goals, colors of clothes, colors of skin, even horses are distinct -- you will never confuse any two girls. It's fun to see "she did that again", be it Ming Li spotting another criminal with bounty on his head, Chastity seducing some handsome man, Maria's passion for money, Kim's eagerness for immediate action or reasonable calmness of Rachel. Sometimes it's strange how they cope with being together and reach compromise. But there are quite a few scenes where they argue, even threaten each other with guns, for others to step in and calm down the conflict to act together; so we see how they manage to be a tight gang.On the other hand, while the girls are nice, they do not act very well. Often their mimics seem unnatural, stressed, too serious or with silent grin laughing of the scene they do. It's better to over-act that to stand like a stone with zero emotions, though, and they do that, so it's a plus. The script is quite plain, I still don't get why they did some things they did. Why they turned aggressive and went to shoot everyone in town? Who shot Kim and how the revenge for her is related to whom they killed? Why they conflicted with the other gang of robbers, if they only wanted to pay back for the murder of Rachel's sister? The actions sometimes lack reason, so you just watch what happens.The ending was cut too short and unclear. Did they find the gold? What they will be doing now? Who was the woman with black hair looking for them? What I liked about the end is that it was not happy ending. They reached some of their goals, but not without casualties. In the scenes where they bury friends, although they are poorly acted, we see that those girls are not only calm robbers, but sensitive beings, and are vulnerable. I hate movies where all the heroes seem immortal no matter what threatens them. This is not the case. Here you get to see their weaknesses and obsessions, as well as their strength, bravery and thought.See it if you happen to get it, it might be the only western with so much beautiful girls :) But don't expect too much. 6/10.

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