Hey Ram
Hey Ram
PG-13 | 18 February 2000 (USA)
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Saketh Ram's wife is raped and killed during direct action day riots in Calcutta. He is convinced that Mahatma Gandhi is responsible for all the problems happening in the country. He sets out to kill him.


Nice effects though.


This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.

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Mabel Munoz

Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?

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Janae Milner

Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.

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image1.jpegk Hey Ram poster in Tamil HEY RAM! 2000, Starring, written, directed and produced by Kamal Haasan is both a landmark of the Bollywood cinema and a landmark in the career of Tamil superstar Kamal Hasaan. Basically an historical drama dealing with the background of the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi in early 1948 by a confused Hindu fanatic and an impassioned call for an end to communal strife between Hindus and Moslems in India, a never ending problem. In passing a call as well for an end to hostility between India and Pakistan, a single people separated by a line on the map.Saketh Ram is an archaeologist by profession. We see him at the beginning on a dig at Mohenjo Daro but the excavation is stopped as the violence of Partition breaks out. Next we see him at a drinking party with old friends in Calcutta which is followed by a playful and somewhat naughty sequence with some hot bedroom action with his lovely wife (a most enticing Rani Mukherji). However their domestic bliss is soon destroyed during the "direct action day" riot in Calcutta following the 1947 Partition of India when a raging mob breaks into the house raping and killing his wife.Saketh emerges hellbent on revenge and is soon convinced that Mahatma Gandhi who was against separation and preached tolerance of all religions including Islam is responsible for all the problems happening in the country. He is enlisted for the job of assassinating Gandhi by a young Hindu extremist, One of his best friends, Amjad Ali Khan (Shahrukh Khan) is a whiskey drinking Moslem and the two will have to protect each other later from raging Hindu and Muslim mobs as the film progresses. At the time of the film SRK was 35 and well established as the "King of Bollywood" whereas Kamaal at age 46 reigned in south India as the King of "Kollywood" (the Tamil film industry). Interestingly SRK agreed to take a secondary backup role in this film but though he has far less screen time than Kamal he just about steals every scene he is in. More over, whereas Khan usually plays a Hindu in Bollywood films, here he gets to be his real self as a Muslim. This is a trilingual film with interplay between Hindi, Tamil and English. Lots of English because the two main characters do not understand each others languages (Tamil and Hindi) so they have to resort to English which is in fact the real situation even today when Tamils and North Indians meet. A lesser known actress, Vasundhura Das, (better known as a singer) is compelling as Saketh's second wife Mythili. Other featured Indian stars are Hema Maliini (Sholy, of Tamil origin) and Nasureddin Shah, veteran of the Parallel film movement, as Mahatma Gandhi. According to popular legend Ghandi is reputed to have exclaimed "Hey Ram" (Oh God!) as he was shot. Kamal discards the legend but retains it as his title. Gandhi did however say,"I will gladly accept a bullet if it stops the strife between Hindus and Muslims". He got his bullet but not quite his final wish. In the film the story is narrated by Ram to his grandson from his death bead half a century later on 6 December 1999, the 7th anniversary of the Destruction of the Babri Mosque in Ayodhya, a landmark in Hindu hatred of Indian Moslems. The rest is flashback. Some concessions to the sing and dances of Masala films are made but this is overall a serious masterfully made historico-political drama that should be on the must-see list of any follower of the Indian cinema scene. Alex, Budapest, 28 November, 2017

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sridhar k

Best movie and requires intelligent audiences!! Hard hitting storyline!! Great script, screenplay, direction and cast!! Of course the legend himself has performed very well. Mind blowing music by the maestro illaiyaraja!! Truly depicts the condition of the country just before and after independence!! Certain dialogues are very sensible and heart touching in many situations!! Over all it is one of the best movies from kamal and kollywood!! He is the only hero who is multi talented and can carry himself very well!! i started watching the movie at 9p.m and i was struck in my seat till the movie ends!! It is a must watch movie!!

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Liakot Ali

I would of given this film a zero out of ten, but i will give it a two. Reason One is that Shah Rukh Khan appears in the film, which is not really a reason. Last Point is that Rani Appears in this film and does a smooch with Kamal. I Love Rani very much and have a respect that she is a great actress. Which is why i didn't enjoy her in this movie kissing Kamal, but its no big deal. Anyway enough of the bedroom scenes that made this film noticeable, lets actually talk about this film. Is it good or bad, I think its a completely rubbish movie that made me yawn. Me being a Fantastic critic, you can see my other 250+ review's by clicking on my name, I have great taste. The movie is not entertaining is one thing and if this is suppose to be hard hitting cinema, why is there no morale in this movie. Its a biased movie thats not a true story and it stinks. Watching Kamal kissing these actresses makes me sick, Man cant kiss properly anyway.

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karthikeyan D

1. Concept Handled, 2. Acting of almost all characters, 3. Direction, 4. Scene Making, 5. Reality.In all the above aspects(according to me), this is the Best Ever Indian Film. I don't know how many of them who actually saw the movie understood the various concepts and hidden facts in the movie. Many scenes portray different and multiple views to viewer. One among them is the 'altered/reverse' version of Ramayana which flows throughout the movie till the end. Unimaginable screenplay and Scene Making. The way North and South Indian is shown during the independence period is awesome and hundred percent real. The sharukh death scene is too good...A MUST WATCH FOR ALL INDIANS !!!

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