Horst Schlämmer - Isch kandidiere!
Horst Schlämmer - Isch kandidiere!
| 20 August 2009 (USA)
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So far he has earned his living as deputy editor-in-chief at the Grevenbroicher Tagblatt, but actually Horst Schlämmer had always guessed: he was destined for something bigger - too much bigger. Without further ado, he therefore quits his old job, founds his very own party and thus starts his rush to the chancellor's office. While the election machinery is quickly started and soon picks up speed, only two questions remain unanswered: Is Horst Schlämmer ready for Germany? And is Germany ready for him?


Wonderful character development!


everything you have heard about this movie is true.

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Micah Lloyd

Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

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Sarita Rafferty

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de)

"Horst Schlämmer - Isch kandidiere!" is a German movie from 2009, so two more years until this one will have its 10th anniversary, maybe less depending on when you read the review. The director and writer here is Angelo Colagrossi and if you have heard the name before, then this was probably in the context of him being Hape Kerkeling's longtime partner in both private and professional life. This 90-minute film here is probably their most known collaboration and this year was called the Superwahljahr here in Germany, which means it was full with all kinds of political election, most of all a general election in which Angela Merkel triumphed once more. So you could call this film the official election film from Germany 2009, also because several politicians, also some that are fairly famous like Rüttgers, Lötzsch or Roth. And I found it really hilarious how Kerkeling in the costume of his most memorable character, the one in the title, manages to expose these politicians for what they really are. They try to play along on a comedic level, but that makes them look even more pathetic. The one exception probably was the CDU candidate for mayor in Schlämmer's hometown who knows that she will look like a clown if she plays a role and is just somewhat authentic in here.But there are also weaknesses in here, mostly in the middle of the film. Sure you can ask why Kerkeling included the likes of Claudia Effenberg, Kader Loth and 9Live in here, but as long as they are just one-scene inclusions, it is all good and actually somewhat resembling the pathetic state of our society if these people are famous. But the one thing I do criticize in here is the inclusion of Alexandra Kamp, who in my opinion is not just not a talented actress, but not an actress at all and most of her parts were pretty cringeworthy. I really wish they could have cast somebody more talented there as it also wasn't a minor part at all. To a less severe degree I would also say the same about Simon Gosejohann, even if he had only one bad scene, namely his motivational speech. But as I love Comedystreet, I will forgive him for that. The film really stands and falls with Kerkeling, actually only stands as he was absolutely wonderful. To the untrained eye, it may seem like a stupid over-the-top turn that is all costume, but it is the exact opposite, even if I would agree that the film probably would have worked with no other actor and no other character in the center of the story. But don't be fooled by the character's physical appearance, this one only makes the comedy even better. At the center of it all are Kerkeling's physical acting as well as his words. And also his other performances like the lady at the bar, Angela Merkel, Uschi Blum and more are spot-on.The perhaps saddest thing about the film, however, is how we are 8 years later now, but how also absolutely nothing has changed. Merkel is winning another election easily this year against another hopeless SPD contender and the phrase how Schlämmer explains his running is as valid as it has been back then. The other parties are weak and he is weak too, so why not oppose them. Says basically everything about German politics these days. Back to the movie, I was really well-entertained from start to finish. There is a reason why Kerkeling is one of Germany's most respected entertainers, actually one of the most respected Germans and has been for a long while, miles ahead of Steinmeier, Merkel, Rüttgers and pretty much every other politician. I am genuinely surprised this film has such a low rating here on IMDb as in my opinion for the majority it is really genius, but I can see the leading forces opposing the film now with the way they were depicted in here. It is a movie, however, that will be very difficult to appreciate for non-Germans and non-German speakers because the comedy is very much about the language and the situation of culture, society and politics here in the country. This is essential for how well it works for me, so I cannot criticize anybody for shutting foreigners out (no pun intended). I give these 1.5 hours a huge thumbs-up and it is a definite contender for best German film from 2009. Go check it out.

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