I Believe in Unicorns
I Believe in Unicorns
NR | 29 May 2015 (USA)
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Follows the lyrical journey of an imaginative teenage girl who runs away from home with an older punk rock drifter, but not even unicorns can save her now.


What a beautiful movie!


This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place

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How sad is this?


I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.

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In this romantic drama a teenage girl embarks on a relationship with an older boy, a free spirit who she soon discovers has a darker violent side. She is a young girl with responsibilities beyond her age, such as looking after her disabled mother, so she wilfully disappears in her head into a fantasy world from time to time.This one could be filed under both the coming-of-age and road movie sub-categories. It has a protagonist who I did like and sympathise with. I felt the portrayal of the characters was quite realistic and there were many little moments which felt true to life. It does go into some disturbing areas it has to be said with a scene which amounted to sexual abuse, so it is a film with some darker aspects lurking below its sunny veneer. I think it was this visual side of things though which was the most impressive single aspect of this one though, with a look which reminded me of the warm glow of old photographs. It was quite beautifully done and there was quite a bit to enjoy from a visually aesthetic point-of-view. Ultimately, the content of the film itself was a bit too limited to truly make this one feel more than an interesting snapshot of something. Still, it was a fairly alluring snapshot all the same, and certainly had a distinctive look and feel to it.

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I Believe in Unicorns is a poetic and deeply intimate film. Its greatest achievement is how it conveys the loss of innocence as a teenage girl discovers womanhood/independence through a road-trip with her boyfriend. However, this newly discovered freedom seems to be just as disturbing as the home life she seeks to escape. Meyerhoff depicts through stop- motion and an effusive color-palette the POV/Internal life of our main character--Davina. There are unicorns, knights, princesses--it's a narrative of mythology to describe how her childlike internal world is trying to make sense of the looming chaos of her adult life. This film does not depict the empowerment of love but is a cautionary tale for the relationships we chase when we are looking to escape our circumstances. And through this cyclone, we see Davina's mythological internal world crumble as her external one transforms. This film is sophisticated and confident in its approach. It commits to one story/character- rather then a feature aiming to dizzy us with a multitude of sub-plots. The two stories can arguably be distilled to Davina's romance with Sterling and the adventures of her mythological internal world. As a result, you leave feeling you know this person like a best friend or a lover. (A testament to Natalia Dyer's acting). This is a treat given cinema's ever-growing plague of saccharin and one-dimensional female characters. What you learn about Davina is not just magical--but it is terrifying. And the fact that Meyerhoff gives us such a close portrait of a teenage girl is nothing short of daring (things don't just boil down to getting the romantic interest and being happy--there is nightmare that looms from even chasing one)--from first sexual encounters (the squeaky awkwardness) to finding true love for an imaginary princess. This wide spectrum exists in Davina. I only look forward to meeting more of the characters Meyerhoff brings to life.

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Ayal Oren

I Believe in Unicorns, is a nice starting point for director Leah Meyerhoff (it's her first feature film). It has a great leading performance by Natalia Dyer, interesting usage of stop motion animation representing the memories and imagination of the movie's leading girl and an interesting twist on the generally familiar myth of the unicorn. On the other hand, it's not as original as its creator believe, and it has a big problem with the pacing and a smaller problem of the potentially loaded relationship between Davina and her mother, to which the director keeps implying but never really explores, while she does explore the relationship between the young lovers whose direction is figured out long before the movie get's there. When an 80 minutes movie feels too long, it means the director has a problem. Still, for her feature film debut Leah's command of the media is impressive, there's every likelihood she'll get the pace better next time.

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I like this film. It has got heart, it has good intentions for the cinematic language that I so adore. I feel like the filmmaker is earnest and thoughtful with the script and the performances are very strong and show a lot of talent on her cinematic future. However, I've been following this movie online and keep seeing photos of the filmmaker, Meyerhoff at festivals. Great right? Well, yes and no. Yes, it's great the film is getting out there, it should! No because it's more that a little embarrassing to see a 38 year old woman wearing a unicorn prop on her head, as though she's so desperate to hype her film that she'll turn into a corny advertisement. Is this what cinema has come to? I should hope not, not in the cinema I know. I get it, you're supposed to do something "striking" and "wild" to stand out, but Miss Meyerhoff, if you need to walk around with a toy horn on your head to get press on your film, or to get attention, well that's just sad and pedestrian. Have some pride in yourself and your work. You are a talented filmmaker. Please take the horn off and have some respect for yourself, your collaborators and most importantly, for cinema.Besides the corny advertising, as a critic I do recommend the film. Don't let the harsh truths discourage you. It is a VERY strong film!

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