| 04 January 2015 (USA)
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I Trailers

A deformed hunchback kidnaps a bride on the day of her marriage and holds her hostage while his connection to her and his targets is revealed in a series of flashbacks that unfold as he starts seeking revenge.


Best movie of this year hands down!


Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.

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The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.

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Apart from the technical aspects which every Shankar's movie provides us with, this movie has a strong story- line with a blend of love and vengeance. The cinematography was superb and so was the cast and especially Vikram in this case. The total China episode was the biggest plus for the movie. The trailer was promising but a bit misleading. In my view, run-time could be the only problem.

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Dear Brian De Palma, I would like to bring to your attention an Indian movie called I. I think you would dig the film's story and setting. The film may be described as a cruel saga of revenge driven by extreme sexual jealousy, set in the modeling world. Beautiful women. Cross dressers. Characters with grotesque visages that might be director Shanker's rather obvious and severe criticism of models who dedicate their whole lives to looking good on the outside but are utterly empty and ugly inside. The film offers lots of scope for flash backs and directorial flourishes and dream sequences. And your tastes with regards to the sets and camera angles would be a step above the gaudy choices of Shanker.You did enter this territory with Phantom of the Paradise. That was set in the pop music industry though. Best Regards, Pimpin. (5/10)

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First of all i have been watching Shankar's movies since "Gentleman" and its hard to categorize this movie int he same league as his other classics like "Indian" , "Gentleman" or "Mudhalvan". So, what is Shankar all about, then? First and foremost, at the core of most of his films are the societal ills that affect India as a country. I've often thought about these social message Southie masalas, that tackle pretty serious topics, like corruption, black money, etc. The films typically offer up one hero to preach at the crowds and scare the evil-doers into acting responsibly and morally. The message is; if we all stopped doing this, we wouldn't have this problem. Everybody needs to correct their own behavior, and if we all do so, the problem will cease to exist.But in this movie Shankar's previous complex themes are non existent. Even if "I" isn't as solid as some other Shankar films I've seen it brings on entertainment . And the song picturizations exhibit the grandeur scale reminiscent of Shankars movies, Visual, explosive, and excellent cinematography. In the very least "I" is a better movie compared to Endhiran In keeping one's attention to the story , but lacks the punch and buildup of Anniyan or Indian.The plot is fairly simple in the beginning, but blows up to bigger epic proportions by the end of the film. It's a decent run of the mill film with some flow in the second half but just lacks depth in storyline. The lack of societal message is somehow replaced with the main character's believability and sympathy one should have towards him and his dire situation. Both the lead actors and actress have put up a fine performance. AMY Jackson looks exceptionally beautiful in this film .AR Rahman's music seems rather ordinary except for one or 2 well made songs. The background score seems to be lacking as compared to previous Shankar- AR Rahman combos. Overall, "I" is the quintessential Shankar films but one that I wouldn't recommend as anybody's first Shankar film. It's story is a little dated ( something out from 1980s revenge films) but doesn't fail to entertain.

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mansoor ali khan

I saw this movie in Vizag, and was completely mesmerized. Vikram was superb as usual, Shankar was superb, cinematographer was superb. Above all, its Vikram's acting and hard work, which completely shows off.He is the unique star in whole cinematic industry. The story is revenge drama about how the hero who is a village guy and totally down to earth person takes revenge on those who brought misery to him. AR Rahman music was very good.The locations in China were amazing.The songs were a visual feast.All i can guarantee you is this movie is MORE than paisa vasool. Completely enjoyed this movie. Don't follow the critics, just go and watch the movie. Some scenes are emotional, heart touching and moving. Thia movie without Vikram may not be that effective.

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