Jesus of Nazareth
Jesus of Nazareth
NR | 27 March 1977 (USA)
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Robert Powell stars in the epic 1977 drama chronicling the birth, life, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. With Laurence Olivier, James Earl Jones and Ian McShane. This movie is derived from combining all 4 parts of the original Jesus of Nazareth mini-series from 1977 resulting in a single long feature film.


Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.


SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?

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If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.

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Haven Kaycee

It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film

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Along with The Greatest Story Ever Told, this is my favorite Jesus biopic. And, as you read in my title, it is 6 hours and 22 minutes long. I first saw it because a devout family friend had it on VHS and I watched it in a month.(382 minutes is a lot for an 11 year old to take-even for a cinephile!) Years later, a bought a DVD and have used it twice. Both of those times the crucifixion seems to drag but it may have to do with the run time-and I can't fault the movie because you can't tell of Jesus's whole life without the crucifixion! The movie has an all-star cast including but not limited to: James Earl Jones, James Mason(who once played a pedophile!), Anne Bancroft, Sir Laurence Olivier, Christopher Plummer, Donald Pleasance(of the Halloween joke!), Ernest Borgnine, and more! You know, writing about it makes me want to see it right now, but I have so many movies I should be seeing right now! Yes, it's long but you will not regret seeing this! Enjoy!

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Matt Otter

I have a hard time choosing between this film and "King of Kings" as far as which is my favorite, but they are both definitely 10-star. I was only 2 when this came out and while my parents did watch this when it originally aired I can't say I recalled much of that, likely slept most the time. It was run in later years through the 80's and it was a big family event each time. It was so exciting to wait for the next night to see more of the story. There are so many great lessons here, my favorite is probably when Jesus goes to Matthew's house and we see him won over and he turns from his former ways.Another wonderful thing about watching this is seeing the "who's who" as far as the cast. Nearly every role is played by someone you'll no doubt recognize, tho I imagine many of them weren't such huge stars at the time. The soundtrack to this is also amazing, the main theme in particular, really captures the majesty of Jesus story, not to mention all the wonderful holidays we've created around it in the years following. I highly recommend this film to anyone, you don't have to be Christian to enjoy it, the messages are universal.NOTE: I do have to agree with 1 of the big complaints I hear about this film which is the scene in which Jesus starts yelling wildly and proclaims "The Father and I are one and the same", I realize most films take some artistic license here and there, but this was not just some small talk, this was a very serious statement to make which never appears in the Bible, this line should never have been in the film.

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Fayola Morgan

A superb and moving film. Robert Powell's rendition of Jesus is magnificent and he has the benefit of a superb director, brilliant accompanying cast and such beautiful music to boot. I used to love watching this as a kid- and I am not even religious. In this day and age, it can be controversial to cast a man who looks like Robert Powell as Jesus. I do understand that critique. But there is absolutely no doubt that Powell is more than equal to the task and his appearance has never been a distraction to me- and I'm a black woman. The music deserves another mention because it is a brilliant achievement in its own right. My favourite scene is the musical accompaniment to Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. A must-see for anyone who likes a classic.

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Jesus of Nazareth is the best incarnation of the story of Christ that is ever produced. Everything from its cinematography to its characters and dialogues are perfectly made and with great respect to its source material, the Bible (the series of 2014 is hilariously boring) . It is common myth that Porbert Powell was so in to the character that after the end of the series he killed himself , due to the difficulty of the character, this fact is totally false ,if you go now to his IMDb page it shows him alive and well. During the production they were theologies send by Pope Paul the Sixth himself in order to ensure the faithfulness of the series and it definitely paid of, also the setting pitch perfect . In the end either you believe or not this is one of the best mini-series in television history and definitely check it out, dispute its monstrous run time of 6 hours and 20 minutes!

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