Kung Fu Jungle
Kung Fu Jungle
| 31 October 2014 (USA)
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A martial arts instructor working at a police academy gets imprisoned after killing a man by accident. But when a vicious killer starts targeting martial arts masters, the instructor offers to help the police in return for his freedom.


Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!

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People are voting emotionally.


Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.

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Usamah Harvey

The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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Don't listen to the rating here, 6.5 is probably because this movie isn't dramatic enough or tear rising for some guys or something like that. Who ever watches Donnie Yen movies does it because of his outstanding beautiful martial arts abilities, i can't believe this guy is 54 now ( 51-52 while doing this film).If you want a pure and full action hand to hand to knife to sticks to basically everything combat - watch this film!

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Granted, they had me at Donnie Yen, but then they gave me incredible production values, a fairly competent storyline, and met the action/fight-sequence quality of the first two IPman's. This was ranked 6.4 this morning, 6.5 this afternoon, and could be headed higher. It deserves it. It's a freakin' blast!The final fight is as good as the alleyway in Killzone, and a clear lack of the all-too-present drama silliness found in many of these HK action flicks. Some of the serious stuff is handled quite well. Albeit the fight scenes are still gloriously over-the-top(not sure what some were expecting reading some negative reviews - i mean isn't that wHY you rent a kung fu flick? Geesh).The "filler" is solid, decently acted fare that keeps at an even pace and keeps the audiences interested in the fate of its lead characters. If u want realism go rent "the gunman" and be bored to death with a more basic plot, realism, and seasoned actors. It will fry your brain and send u back to the redbox faster than "Get Hard". Or have fun watching a mindless, unrealistic kung fu flick - which flies by like an F-16, and is a 90-minute adrenaline rush. Highly recommend this! 65/100I will be purchasing this. You should know where u stand before u hit play. If u enjoyed "true Legend", the "police stories", "supercop" or SPL:Killzone.. Or any modern kung fu flick.. You will love this!

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Wenifredo Jr Miphranum

The trouble with Donnie Yen movies lately is they're becoming too familiar. The movies may be different, but they somehow make you think it's the same Donnie Yen movie you've seen from last time. It's mostly because Donnie Yen casts the same actors with him again and again, and he keeps having the same movie flaws that keep his movies from becoming great. The movies usually starts off with a very promising plot with well thought of characters and story background, but then in his effort to create a deeper story he tends to lose the plot with outrageous circumstances, twists, or drama in the middle. It's no different with Kung Fu Jungle. The good thing, though, is he's still able to pull it through at the end of the movie. I can't help but feel disappointed since Donnie has so much potential to really make great movies with great fight scenes without sacrificing the story, but lately martial arts movies from Thailand or action movies from Korea and Japan are doing way much better. But, I think it's the point he makes in Kung Fu Jungle that he also wants to point out in his career: he no longer vies to be number one, he's just contented doing martial arts with the other masters in the industry.

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KUNG FU KILLER - aka KUNG FU JUNGLE - is the latest slice of martial arts madness from Donnie Yen, here playing a tough-as-nails convict who's released by the police in order to track down a serial killer who's been making it his business to kill Hong Kong's top martial arts fighters. What we have is a slim police procedural plot enlivened by tons of hard-hitting and well-choreographed kung fu fights.What you see is what you get, and there's little to disappoint here. The production values make for a glossy, high-spirited production, and there's also plenty of the human drama you'd expect from the storyline. Donnie Yen always plays himself, really; whether he's a cop or a criminal, he's always the good-natured, good-moral hero who you're rooting for throughout. Charlie Yeung's female detective provides a good opponent for him to butt heads with though.Really, though, the plot is just an excuse for the action, and it's plentiful indeed. Most of it consists of one-to-one bouts, although there's time for a riotous interlude inside a prison. All of it builds up to an extended finale in which Yen and the sneering villain beat seven shades of hell out of each other for what seems like an enternity, and it's all very entertaining, although not quite up there with the best of this genre (aka FLASH POINT and KILL ZONE).

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