Laid in America
Laid in America
| 26 September 2016 (USA)
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Two foreign exchange high-school students are kidnapped during their quest to get laid on their last night in America.


What a waste of my time!!!


if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.

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Aneesa Wardle

The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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Laid in America follows two foreign students Jack and Duncan living in the U.S.A, both desperate to loose their virginity. However they hit a few bumps a long the road that might jeopardize their last minute plans to get some action. I watched this film out of pure curiosity, having enjoyed KSI's work in the past I was hoping that same hysterical humour would translate to the big screen. I wasn't disappointed, this really was a laugh a minute type film. There are themes of crass toilet humour throughout, but as silly as the humour is, I couldn't help but wet myself laughing.The main positive from the film is the performances of the two youtube stars, Casper Lee and KSI giving confident comedy performances. Although the story line wasn't the strongest, I'd give Laid In America a 7/10 for the laughs it provides.

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The acting wasn't any thing special neither was it professional by all means but I guess you cant really expect that from youtubers. It was good enough though to make it easily watchable. The story was just plain stupid just like the acting of most characters, but in a good way (I'm mainly referring to KSI's acting). God i was laughing so much throughout the movie. Those silly jokes and the exaggeration made my day. Obviously people who don't know them as youtubers will see this movie with different eyes but I'm not going to go any further into that.To conclude: If you don't seek a brilliant movie with great plot and acting but just want a good laughter, then this movie is definitely worth watching it!

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Deniz Taylor

When I first heard about this film, its only genuine appeal was the casting of well-known YouTube comedian KSI. I did not however expect this film to interest me in any other way; in this sense, it certainly didn't surprise me.The acting was relatively weak throughout, from start to finish. Having said that, it was very easy- going and straight forward to watch, making it ideal to watch whenever. It's also fairly obvious this film was not made to be loved by everyone, only people with prior knowledge of KSI's humour. By merely reading the plot summary, anyone could conclude this film was never going to be highlight of anyone's week. Casper Lee's performance was arguably "cringe-worthy" at best. Furthermore, whilst the plot was never exactly inspired in the first place, the film is so unrealistic in some areas, it draws into question the credibility of it even being a comedy- It's NOT funny. In summary, it's a short and easy film to watch purely to see KSI's mediocre performance. Aside from this, there are no real highlights in the film. Nowadays, there truly are better films to be watched.

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I've seen a fair few KSI and Casper Lee videos over the past few years. I'm 20, so their videos are aimed for that kind of age. I didn't expect this film to be good, because KSI has tried to do things outside of making Youtube videos, for example: rapping, and they just do not work, and my expectations were not disappointed. It's his ego that is the problem. Casper, I feel, is more likable as a "Youtuber", but this film? It is just so, so bad.It's the typical "we don't have a good script so we'll just use loads of crude jokes" kind of film, it lacks depth or any sort of meaning, it just, exists. It's not funny, the jokes are old and painfully predictable. KSI's brand of loud-mouthed swearing is boring now and this film really shows that, he just has no idea what he is doing. In saying that, neither does Casper. Acting is just so far out of these guy's world and it really shows in this film. I didn't expect a film with KSI in it to be any good, but this is an absolute disaster of an attempt to make anything entertaining, meaningful and/or enjoyable.

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