Lies of the Heart: The Story of Laurie Kellogg
Lies of the Heart: The Story of Laurie Kellogg
| 31 January 1994 (USA)
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A young mother is accused of convincing four teenagers to murder her husband, who she claims abused her during their ten-year relationship.


It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.

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This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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Mabel Munoz

Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?

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One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.

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this film is important because it does inform the audience about the tragic case of Laurie Kellogg, a young girl with few options, who married Bruce Kellogg to escape her maudlin existence in a trailer park-she was a young girl who did not realize what she had gotten into, until it was much too late.Some reviewers have critiqued the performances as over-the-top; not true to the real story, but the message is still clear- Laurie Kellogg did not deserve the horrible marriage she was in, and her friends helped her to get out of it, in the most desperate fashion.In psychology, the "blame the victim" mentality is promoted by people who tout that we live in a just and perfect world, which anyone over the age of 20 should realize is NOT true. Laurie was a victim who felt trapped, intimidated by a sadistic and physically abusive husband, who raped her, sexually molested other young girls in the neighborhood, and verbally and emotionally abused her.Jenny Garth is very good as Laurie, and Gregory Harrison appropriately narcissistic and hateful, as her sadistic husband. I would recommend this film to anyone in an abusive relationship- whether verbal or physical, it is just as damaging. It is sad there are still people in real life who believe Laurie is a victim by choice; No one CHOOSES to be abused, their self-esteem is systematically denigrated by the abuser. 8/10

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To: "Halfpint_7030", Yes, this is a true story based on Laurie Lee Kellogg, though only about one third of the film was accurate.Laurie is still in prison, though we are trying relentlessly to free her and we're optimistic about the outcome.Her mom and step dad along with her two boys Kyle and Kristopher reside in New England.If you have any questions regarding Laurie and her current situation; you may email me whenever you desire.Please pray for Laurie and her family; and thank you for your concern.

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Does anyone know if this is a true story then what has happened to this woman now. Where are her kids and mother and step father. What about the other kids involved? What has happened to them. My daughters watched this movie with me, I thought it would help inform them about abuse and how not to handle it.

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I hate movies like this! It's not difficult to play with someone's emotions... All you have to do is throw in a few characters that are either abusing someone, or being abused, and (hopefully) human nature causes a feeling of wanting to do something about it. But being able to touch an emotion in a viewer's mind does not make a good movie, and this movie is a perfect example of that.To be truthful, I only watched the first half, and then turned off the TV because it was so bad. And although I don't know the ending, I can't imagine how it could be anything other than the obvious. And even if there was some incredible twist at the end that made the ending the best movie ending ever made, I would still give it a low rating, just because of the first half alone.I give it a few points for not being technically ridiculous -- the actors and photography were ok (although nothing remarkable) -- but the story was so thin, and seemed to be completely related to twisting our emotions around in knots just to cause a reaction in us, that I give it overall very low marks. Touching our emotions is great, but give us a story too!

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