Lower Level
Lower Level
R | 16 January 1992 (USA)
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A young female architect is left stranded in an empty highrise while her secret "admirer" stalks her.


i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.

Matylda Swan

It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.

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I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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Sarita Rafferty

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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Please do not read the summary of this movie. There are no depressed women around here but two strong female characters and a bunch of guys who don't know how to deal with it. Lower Level was scripted and directed by women and I think this can be sensed clearly. The main storyline deals with a guard who is smitten with a woman architect and entraps her in "her tower" one night. The guard did a lot of planning - not unlike the Collector Terence Stamp in the eponymous movie directed by William Wyler. But he is doomed and clearly intimidated by the woman who in the end is not only able to liberate herself but also her occasional sexual partner (boyfriend or lover would not be the right word here). This is a fine example of low budget movie making. Very few actors, one location, nighttime only and quite a few good directorial ideas. It is not the greatest movie of all times but really good entertainment and visually very pleasing. Great cameo by Shari Shattuck.

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Frank Markland

David Bradley stars as Sam, a lovestruck security guard who takes drastic measures to prove his love to lovely Architect Hillary (Elizabeth Gracen) who unfortunately rejects his advances. This is an interesting variation on Fatal Attraction, mainly due to the overall impression from David Bradley. Now don't get me wrong, David Bradley is typically a wooden action star (just slightly better than Olivier Gruner) but in the role of killer in question, he gives a truly impressive performance. Less impressive are Elizabeth Gracen and Jeff Yagher who come off as stuck up and spoiled, David Bradley's character seems the most human. In fact his portrayal of a lonely yet nice guy (although psychotic) plays on the fact that he's been dealt bad luck. And even at the end, David Bradley's character is the most likable and human of the bunch. However this movie does strain credibility at times. Now of course I could forgive it because hey it's a David Bradley flick, but seriously how David Bradley walks away from getting knifed, hit on the head with a fire extinguisher and dragged up an elevator, yet keeps on coming does strain credibility. But once again it's David Bradley who sells the movie and actually plays an excellent sympathetic villain. Of course this all comes to surprise, for those acquainted with Bradley from American Ninja 3 and 4. Not to mention the director who gave us the woeful Kickboxer 5. So with all things considered this emerges as both Bradley and director Peterson's best work to date and comes off as much better than you would expect.* *1/2 out of 4-(Pretty Good)

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I had never heard of this movie until I watched it, but it turned out better than expected. It's nothing great, but it's tense, well-made and well-acted. Having three relatively unknown actors in the three main roles works in its favor - sometimes you almost forget you're watching a movie. Elizabeth Gracen is beautiful, sensual, strong and convincing: when she tells the villain that she is somehow turned on by him, only to catch him off guard, it's no wonder he is fooled - the viewer is fooled as well. And David Bradley is not the one-dimensional villain you might expect: he manages to bring out the sympathetic sides of his character, despite the horrible things he does ("It's not so much that I want to sleep with you", he tells Gracen, "It's just that I want to wake up next to you". That is genuinely romantic. Too bad he also kills people...). (**1/2)

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A security guard obessed with a beautiful woman traps her and her boyfriend after they have just made love in a building one night and plans to keep her all to himself by using advanced security camera's and equipment and getting the boyfriend out of the picture.Interesting reversal of Fatal Attraction is a sexy, exciting, and handsome looking thriller that offers a better then usual premise and manages to keep the viewer entertained from start to finish.Rated R; Sexual Situations, Violence, Nudity, Profanity.

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