Saw 3D
Saw 3D
R | 29 October 2010 (USA)
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As a deadly battle rages over Jigsaw's brutal legacy, a group of Jigsaw survivors gathers to seek the support of self-help guru and fellow survivor Bobby Dagen, a man whose own dark secrets unleash a new wave of terror.

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if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.

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Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.

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This movie - to my opinion - wasn't as bad as these other users say. There are things like and dislike about it.I'll start with what i disliked:The overuse of blood: Not to mention it was pink, FREAKING PINK, and it didn't look like blood at all, infact I wouldn't be suprised if it was just pink paint. In the traps where Bobby had to pull the fish hook out of that girl's mouth and the one where he had to hold up the weights with his legs, the spikes were hollow for a reason, they were pipes, when they impale their bodies the paint would squirt out of the pipes and it's pretty easy to see, and he part where Bobby pulls out his teeth had WAY more blood than it should have, I mean spilling out onto his shirt? Come on now.The plot was too simple: A guy lies about being a victim of a Jigsaw trap and becomes famous. I mean ANY of the actual victims can do the same thing, but I guess the writers had to have some kind of plot to fill in the majority of the movie. Additionally, the recurring plot involving Mark Hoffmen being Jigsaw's apprentice started to get a bit boring and all he did in this movie was come after Jill and kill her for trying to kill him. WAY too simple.The small amount of screen time of John and Dr. Gordon:Sure John Kramer may be dead, but flash backs with him are quite a common thing in the movies following Saw III, and he was in only two or three very short ones. Dr. Gordon made two appearances but they were also quite short, I know I'm not the only one who wanted to see him again in another movie, but only one to two minutes of screen time, really?What I DID like:The opening:It's traditional that a Saw movie opens with someone insignificant to the plot being in a trap, and if you ask me I thought it was the second best one contrary to popular belief (the first one being mute Art Blank Vs. that blinded guy). With this one having three people. This one really had me at the edge of my seat and what I really liked was how the the two boys agreed to have their ex be the one to die. You would think they would just try to kill one another like everone thought but nope, this time it had a twist, and I liked it. Plus it was in a public place where everyone could see it, making it quite quite different from the others.The car trap: Another one of my favorite traps. A group of people being punished for being a bunch extremely racist "skinheads" being trapped in a garage with only their leader to rely on also had me on the edge of my seat. Having to rip the skin off his back to be "taught that everyone is the same color on the inside", and how eveything got worse and worse as the timer went down made it made it even more intense. That's the kind of context that Saw needs more of!The appearance of Dr. Gordon:Unlike other Saw viewers, who expected this to happen, I didn't see this coming at all. Despite his short screen time, I was really exited to see him again, and after seeing him at the support group meeting, I knew there was later going to be something else happening involving him. The plot twist with him ending chaining up Hoffmen in the iconic (in lack of a better adjective) bathroom left me satisfied with the ending.

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Not predicting human behavior very well, the creators of this film believed it to be the last of the franchise so they went more for spectacle while dropping significantly in quality. Jigsaw murders happened way more frequently and some of them are used as a disturbing performance art in public spaces. The first trap has two competing lovers trying to decide who will sacrifice themselves for the woman they both claim to love only to let her be sawed in half. Jill Tuck (Betsy Russell) was unable to kill Mark Hoffman (Costas Mandylor) who escapes and sews his face back together. Jill goes to the police hoping to expose Mark but she's haunted by nightmare after she confesses. Several traps play out ass Jigsaw takes his revenge on racists and liars. Detective Gibson (Chad Donella) is the only police officer Jill can trust. He discovers another Jigsaw trap that is overly outlandish and receives a taunting message from Hoffman. Bobby Degan (Sean Patrick Flanery) leads support groups for Jigsaw survivors and promotes his survival story as a memoir. He is confronted by Dr. Gordon (Cary Elwes), a survivor of the first film. Bobby is then assaulted by a pig-masked figure and wakes up in the main trap of the film. It turns out that Bobby had been lying about his story of survival so he must go through a series of tests. He has to pull a fish hook out of his publicist's stomach through her mouth without making a certain amount of loud noise and prevent a machine from piercing the eyes of his lawyer by lifting another painful device. Bobby is not very good at saving any of the victims.Check out more of this review and others at

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Saw 3D The Final Chapter is a waste of everyone's time. The filmmakers no longer act like filmmakers. They act like people playing Call of Duty on their Xbox trying to get the biggest kill- streak. All this movie is about is killing as many people as possible in the nastiest, yet most tedious and fake-looking way possible. Does this feel like the end of a franchise? No. It's rushed and doesn't really feel like a resolution. The twist that Lawrence Gordon was actually Jigsaw's apprentice the whole time is not only boring, but was painfully obvious from the start. Also, why would he suddenly join forces with the man who kidnapped his family and put him through the wringer? Like the rest of the movie, it doesn't make sense. The acting hits an all-time low here, with the victims of the opening trap and some guy from Final Destination who plays a bland police officer standing out in particular. There is no lightness, humour, joy, intelligence or insight here. It is just death after death after death. And for what? What do we gain from this movie? What do the characters gain from this? What has Jigsaw been trying to accomplish? What will happen to his work after this movie? So many unanswered questions. So many uncaring critics viewers who never want anything to do with this once-decent franchise ever again. They're still making Saw VIII of course. I sometimes wonder why I like cinema so much. 3/10

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The Saw series ends with a whimper rather than a bang in this underwhelming final installment which simply fails to take the time to set up its various twists and turns.For instance, we have a man who's lied about surviving a Jigsaw Trap who gets put in a trap for real, fair enough. But what actually happens to him? It doesn't look like he dies. Does he end up discredited? Does he end up a depressed and isolated man? Then we have this Jigsaw survivors group. Great idea, but, what happens to them? What's the end game? And finally we have the returning Dr Gordon (Cary Elwes). What a waste! Yes, I understand that he needs to be a Jigsaw disciple and that this makes sense, but surely they could have set this up better. He is in the opening scene and shows up at the Survivor Group, but what happened to his family? Did they break up? Did he disappear for a few months? Come on guys, if you're going to bring back a character after 5 movies, explain something.The one thing I do like in this movie is Detective Hoffman's ramboesque rampage. He is bug eyes crazy and I love his character. I didn't really care about him in Part 5, but in 6 and 7, I buy him as an interesting and dangerous psycho killer. There's also a nice trap with three corners of a love triangle and circular saw, but when is that happening? Who set this trap: Jigsaw, Hoffman or Amanda, or hell, was it Gordon? In the end this a poor final installment. It rushes through things, doesn't explain enough and looks cheaper than the previous ones. I didn't see it in 3D, but it's obvious which scenes pander to it. Hoffman tries to keep us interested, but his bonkers rampage isn't enough to save this. A poor ending, which causes me to fail the whole series. 3 good films out of 7 with a crap ending does not a worthwhile series make. Could have been better but oh well. It is what it is.

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