Malibu High
Malibu High
R | 01 May 1979 (USA)
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When a high school senior is dumped by her boyfriend, her grades fall avoid failing, she begins seducing her male teachers. Thus begins her downward spiral into drug addiction and prostitution, and ultimately assassinations for a kingpin mob boss.


This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.

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Yash Wade

Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.

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I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

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Malibu High is the story of struggling student Kim Bentley (Jill Lansing in her one and only screen performance) who will do anything, and I definitely mean anything, in order to graduate. We are introduced to our chain smoking heroine in a not too flattering topless state late for school once again. I am by no means to be considered a prude when it comes to nudity, however Jill Lansing's not so flattering figure is made even worse with a tacky white as snow tan line. This wouldn't be a big deal if it was just one scene. Instead her frequent nudity becomes cringe inducing as the movie drags on. And drags it does. Since Kim is a nasty individual who berates her divorced mother it's no surprise that she was dumped by her boyfriend Kevin. One of the more humorous things about this movie is the music that follows one of Kim's many ill-tempered quips she chooses to end a scene with. It sounds vaguely similar to losing a character in Donkey Kong. Newly single, Kim decides to prove to Kevin she isn't a loser by not only graduating high school but graduating with straight A's. You might be shocked to learn that instead of actually opening a book and trying to learn something she decides on seducing her mostly male teachers with sex in exchange for better grades. Sort of a quid pro ho. Zing! One point for me! What makes things worse is the fact that some teachers appear to hate her even more after their tryst by the ocean. At least she didn't flunk economics as she decides to earn some money hooking for local drug-dealing thug Tony instead of just putting out in lieu of grades. Kim seems to have found her lot in life as scenes of her entertaining various johns inside Tony's minibus with one particular belly laugh inducing shot of a chain of men waiting outside for their date with this surfer trash succubus.Success comes easy (no pun intended) for Kim and soon she catches the eye of Lance who appears to be a scout for hooker stars of the future. She leaves behind Tony and his minibus for the higher-end clientele of overweight mustachioed psychopaths in dirty hotels. Way to move up Kim! One of these encounters leads to Kim accidentally killing her customer. This gives Lance the opportunity to promote her to contract killer. So, instead of killing off half the Malibu population with various STD's she opts for just shooting them sparing us from seeing her pale breasts again. Thanks Lance! Her last target happens to be the father of Kevin's new girlfriend. The hit is performed at the same time Kevin's entourage arrives allowing them to witness Kim exiting the house. Kim shoots Kevin's girlfriend in the stomach and flees the scene with Kevin in hot pursuit accompanied by the theme from The People's Court. She is finally gunned down by the police ending her reign of tan lined terror.Bad acting, awful outfits, and pure late seventies cheese that many exploitation movies of this time depicted actually helps when viewing this. Anyone who watches this isn't expecting deep story lines and fully developed characters. It does have serious flaws as Jill Lansing is anything but lead material and the plot drags slower than a battleship on dry land. Still, a fun one time only movie just for the goofy soundtrack and the school dance disco scene. You may need a shower when it's done.

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Tommy Nelson

I enjoy strange movies as much as the next person, and if a movie is solvable, I like to try and solve it, but this is a movie that's strange in a different way. It's a movie trying to be sexy, but in no way does it ever succeed, not that it should matter, but it does. This flick is more creepy and stupid than anything else.Kim Bentley (Jill Lansing) is failing out of school, and her peers begin to give her pressure to do better. She decides she can't, so instead becomes a prostitute to earn money, and then begins having sex with all her teachers in exchange for good grades. This horrible path she takes later turns her into a murderer, and she begins to randomly go crazy and shoot people. When the very abrupt ending comes, it shouldn't be surprising if the audience is to burst into laughter questioning what it is that they just saw.The fact that this girl in the movie sleeps with all of her old male teachers is just creepy. The scenes where it shows her making out with the old men on screen is not something that's fun to watch. It's actually rather disgusting. To go along with that, this story is just so weird, and the progression that the main character makes from a prostitute, to a blackmailer to a serial killer is so sudden, anyone who sees this will find it forced. It's not thrilling, it's not scary, the main character isn't a good guy, and there is no one and nothing to root for, except the end credits which don't come soon enough.This is a weird movie, and certainly not fun to watch. But if a flick about a 17 year old girl sleeping with old men is your thing, then maybe this will appeal to that minority.My rating: * out of ****. 90 mins. R for nudity/sexuality, violence and language.

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You don't go into seeing this one with any grandiose notions, and, if you are like me, you should be pleasantly surprised that this is one of those vintage "bad" movies that is just loads of fun to sit through. Kim Bentley loses her boyfriend and so she begins failing her classes, etc... when she decides to become a prostitute and then later an assassin picking up booze, weed, and coke along the way. Jill Lansing appearing in what seems to be her only screen credit gives a credible performance as the "hooker to hit girl" as she frequently disrobes and lets her breasts get lots of air, seduces two of her teachers for grades, and runs a profitable business from the back of her pimp's van. We get lots of stereotypes here and the plot is pretty threadbare when it comes to anything other than giving us lurid and "shocking" behaviours to be witnessed. The rest of the cast is better-than-average for a movie of this ilk, and I laughed out loud several times at the bizarre going ons and what I was suppose(perhaps not) to take seriously. In addition to all this Kim has a few hazy flashbacks about her father hanging himself. Malibu High is sleazy and fun - and entertaining. It has what you would expect in a picture like this but packages it well. As some have noted the soundtrack is weird to say the least as we get an instrumental People's Court theme used in a most inopportune moment and that bizarre SCTV strident tone used when something significant is being conveyed - at least that is what the director is trying to convey.

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I have never so wanted to leap bodily into a movie and kill a main character this much (and I watched Pippi Longstockings.) While I admit there is a bit of truth to the proceedings, it's a pretty small bit.Plot: The Malibu High School a-hole is topless, getting ready for school. She is so unattractive that you could show her to Dawn Wiener from Welcome to the Dollhouse and give Dawn new hope. I guess the filmmakers thought she was attractive because she was thin. She goes to school, and we learn that her boyfriend has very understandably moved on to a rich girl who isn't stomach turning. She's flunking all her classes, mopes about at home, has a hilariously poorly acted flashback to when she stumbled across her father's corpse, and then decides to go the route of Julia Roberts to making her life better: prostitution. Without any effort, she seduces teacher after teacher (all of whom appear to be male) and blackmails them with knowledge of the locations of their birthmarks (they all have revealing birthmarks?) Then we get to see her become a whore with a van, working for somewhere around $.75 a head. When that doesn't work, she turns to murder. Unfortunately, not her own. She blows away complete strangers, and then we have a very predictable death by hiding heart pills and turning person on (in real life, her body would be the last one you'd want to use for that) In the end, she shoots her boyfriend's new girlfriend after trying to run her over and killing her father, and is about to shoot her ex-boyfriend, when the hero of the film, an anonymous cop, guns her down.Everyone I was watching this with cheered, and wished that last scene was interactive. The camera work is bad, the film is grainy, the people look like they were cast because they would work for free, and you can't help but feel apathy or hate. If that weren't enough, we get rotten music, too.Rating: -1 star out of four.

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