Miracles: The Canton Godfather
Miracles: The Canton Godfather
PG-13 | 15 June 1989 (USA)
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A country boy becomes the head of a gang through the purchase of some lucky roses from an old lady. He and a singer at the gang's nightclub try to do a good deed for the old lady when her daughter comes to visit.


Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

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As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.

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It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.

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Billy Ollie

Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable

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This movie actually have numerous titles - this is only the most common one. The other titles are: Singapore Sling, Chinese Godfather, Canton God father, and Miracle. This movie I saw a while back and thought that it was quite dull. Now this time I suddenly got all of the jokes. I thought that it would be funny, but the jokes were lost in the translation. Either it was a very bad translation or I were not paying attention because there are a lot of jokes in this movie and they are quite funny.The reason I gave this movie a 9 was because it was based on a Frank Capra movie, Lady for a Day. This is not a bad thing for Jackie Chan makes it well known that he is influenced by the old American comedies, especially comedians like Buster Keating. In fact, the more of his movies you watch, the more you will see that a lot of the comedy is developed through excellent timing (and can be quite clever slapstick). This movie though is more of a Capra style, which can be quite farcical at times (as I have seen in Arsenic and Old Lace and Mr Smith goes to Washington).I will not delve too deep into the themes of this movie as I wish to save that for the original Lady for a Day (if I can find it). Need I say that a lot of the themes have probably been brought over to this one, and quite successfully I will hazard to say, seeing that I have not yet seen Lady for a Day. In any case, this movie is in itself a brilliant movie, and also goes to show how good a filmmaker Jackie Chan actually is (even though it was copied from an earlier film, but there is nothing wrong with that if it is done right).

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MR CANTON AND LADY ROSE (Ji Ji)Aspect ratio: 2.39:1 (Anamorphic)Sound format: Mono1930's Shanghai: A naive country bumpkin (Jackie Chan) is appointed leader of a shady criminal gang and helps an impoverished flower-seller (Gui Yalei) to convince her unwitting family that she's a wealthy society figure with important political connections. Hilarious complications ensue...Eager to dispel the notion that he was little more than an action star, Jackie Chan directed and co-wrote this sumptuous 'homage' to Frank Capra's POCKETFUL OF MIRACLES (1961), distinguished by its high profile cast and breathtaking cinematography by industry veteran Arthur Wong. Beloved by Hong Kong movie fans worldwide, the film's mixture of period detail, balletic action (among the best of Chan's career), uproarious farce and slapstick comedy is undeniably entertaining, but it's also something of a mixed bag. The emphasis on pratfalls and comic complications serves to dilute the basic storyline, and the running time is excessive. But as spectacle, it's hard to beat: The late and much-lamented Anita Mui emerges from Chan's shadow to camp it up as an old-fashioned chanteuse (get a load of her Busby Berkeley-esquire musical number!); the fight scenes are timed and filmed with jaw-dropping style and precision; and Wong's camera swoops and dives over some of the most eye-popping production design this side of a Hollywood blockbuster. Also known as BLACK DRAGON, THE CANTON GODFATHER and MIRACLES.(Cantonese dialogue)

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Based on Capra's Pocketful of Miracles (itself of remake of his earlier Lady For A Day) and lifting from nearly all Hollywood gangster movies, Chan's under-achiever is a glamorous big-budget period piece, with precise attention to detail in both its intricate and amazing fight sequences (though sparse they are) and its over-played narrative. The story is pure sentiment: dressing up a poor rose seller to entertain her travelling daughter set to be married. Chan plays the paying host, a wet-behind-the-ears type who inadvertently becomes a mob leader after he assists a dying gangster boss. Miracles has its moments; an all-star cast of regulars and cameos, some of Chan's best direction and choreography, built on rich sets and locations and with a developed and sincere sense of humour - a story-driven affair that leaves many hardened Chan fans divided. Jackie, on the other hand, quotes this as one of the best of his own movies.

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Wong Fei Hung-1

Said to be Jackie's personal favourite, Miracles displays, Jackie Chan and Hong Kong movie making at it's very best. Like most of Jackie's movies, the comedy element of his films set him from the rest and Miracles is no exception. The sets look true to the era as do the costumes and the sound track is amazing!, but best of all is the action scenes! All with perfect timing and precision and some truly amazing chorography. The characters are fantastic, my personal favourite being Richard Ng's Captain Ho, The accident prone, greedy cop who's trying to bring Cheng's gang down. The plot is... well is a Chan sort of plot, which is a good thing in keeping with the pace of the film! Forget anything else anyones told you Miracle, it is truly a great achievement for Jackie. Final Word- If you want a lavish and stylish Jackie Chan film pick this one up if not, get Police Story!

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