My New Partner
My New Partner
| 19 September 1984 (USA)
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A streetwise Paris policeman who takes kickbacks from the minor criminals on his beat to allow them to continue is assigned an idealistic new partner fresh from police academy. He sets out to corrupt him...


Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,

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This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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Keira Brennan

The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.

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Roman Sampson

One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

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I purchased the DVD box set of Les Ripoux and Ripoux Contre Ripoux, its first sequel (there is now a third, Ripoux 3). To my horror, it only has the French language track, no English anything, to include subtitles. The had subtitles in the theater, so is it a French government plot that they cannot put them on DVD? Otherwise, I'll say that Les Ripoux is one of the best French comedies of all time, along with Grand blond avec une chaussure noire, "The Tall Blond Man With One Black Shoe", and its sequel. Which I would also like to have if I could get subtitles for them! (For those who have seen the Tom Hanks version of the latter, while funny, I found it to be too Americanized and think the original version was better.)

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... or, if you don't speak Pig Latin/Backslang, top drawer. Pig Latin had a vogue in the forties - and possibly earlier - and for a time it was commonplace to hear expressions like 'amscray' (scram) in low-budget Hollywood movies. If the US had Pig Latin France has 'verlan' or 'la langue de banlieues' (the language of the suburbs). Pourri, which means 'rotten' when transposed to verlan comes out ripoux, thus Le Ripoux, The Rotten. It's basically our old friend the veteran taking the rookie under his wing, in this case veteran cop, Philippe Noiret, who's also a BENT veteran cop, if anyone asks you, is lumbered with green-as-grass rookie Therry Thermitte. Believe me, it's a match made in Heaven. Not a lot happens but the trick is, IT HAPPENS IN FRENCH and that gallic flavor makes all the difference. It was so good that six years later they made a sequel, and last year they made a sequel to the sequel. Hooray. 9/10

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I really enjoyed this. It's the old story about the old, experienced cop (Philippe Noiret) being lumbered with an over zealous young inexperienced cop (Thierry Lhermitte). In this case, though, the old cop is also corrupt. Noiret is brilliant as the world-weary father figure, teaching the new recruit that the world is not quite like it's painted in books. This film's well worth checking out.

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One of the comedies that are typically french, at the same time a farce and a study of characters.Certainly a well aging movie.

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