| 25 July 2017 (USA)
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A girl running from her past is forced to confront her future when her friends perform an impromptu seance. Dirty secrets are revealed and an uninvited guest joins the party.


Surprisingly incoherent and boring


Better Late Then Never


I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.

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This was a horrible movie. The acting is bad. The camera work is shoddy. The story sucks. The characters do things that really don't make sense (like participating in a game of strip black jack knowing she had bruises that she didn't want anyone else to see or conversing with someone you know you didn't call because you were phoning the police). I absolutely love horror movies but this one was just too terrible. It gives the malevolent spirit too much control over unnecessary things. How can it already be possessing someone and still have control over other people? If you want to see a good ouija board movie go for Ouija: Origins of Evil. It's not perfect, but it's way better than this.

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Stuart Fisher

I found Nocturne because it had some of the actors from Mythica in it. Based on the tag line, and my good experiences watching the Mythica films, I had high hopes that Nocture would be quite good. I was expecting a story involving a relationship with a demon that inevitably turned bad. Unfortunately, that wasn't really what the film was about. Having watched the film a couple of times now, I still don't really know what the motives of the demon were. The whole thing just doesn't make a lot of sense to me, and I certainly didn't get to see the film I was hoping for.

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This is one of those movies that pulls the old did anything really happen? The movie begins and ends with the same scene. We see Jo arriving in her car to a class graduation party. We then move to the party where during the night the usual party games are played. Games like have you never ever,good ole strip poker and of course the ever popular seance, where of course they forget the very important step of making the spirit leave. The rest of the movie is a mish mash of unbelievable things happening that have you screaming impotently at the screen trying to get the actors (very weak actors I might add) to have a little common sense.Then comes that ending that I despise more than a person should where it ends in a big old circle that makes you wonder why you wasted over an hour or however long this movie lasts.

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This could have been a better movie had the writing and acting measured up. To often the acting and storyline seemed forced. This is where I will reveal a small spoiler so please be advised. There is a scene where one friend is locked in the bathroom and has no control of her actions as the friend who is now inhabited by an evil spirit has revealed she plans to kill her. Rather than both the remaining males run to the bathroom and at least attempt to break down the door they merely stand there watching the possessed friend make hand gestures. These forced pauses are throughout the movie along with poor acting just makes this incredibly hard to watch. With all the great content available why waste 90 minutes of your life on this dumb movie. Consider yourself warned!

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