Olive Oyl and Water Don't Mix
Olive Oyl and Water Don't Mix
NR | 08 May 1942 (USA)
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Popeye and Bluto agree that women are too much trouble, so they agree to swear off them, which lasts about five seconds, until Olive comes on board ship for a tour. The boys vie for her attention.


Memorable, crazy movie


It is a performances centric movie


Best movie ever!

Sammy-Jo Cervantes

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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Olive Oyl and Water Don't Mix (1942) *** (out of 4)Popeye and Bluto are on a ship discussing women and agree to not let them get in between their friendship. Just then Olive Oyl walks past and all fighting breaks loose.This here is another good entry for the series and fans should enjoy it since there's pretty much non-stop violence from the start to the end. There are many funny bits but in all honesty the best moment happens early on when the two men are being sincere and discussing the heartaches women bring. The animation is excellent as you'd expect and there's some nice fights throughout.

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The banner over the boardwalk entering the big Navy ship reads, ""Visitors welcome, except Sundays and Weekdays." Navy men Popeye and Bluto are on-board that ship, discussing the opposite sex.Bluto comments, "Women are natural-born troublemakers Things go along peacefully, then in steps a dame and, psh, you're in trouble." He tells Popeye, "From now on, let's you and me have nuthin' to do with female women." They shake hands on it.Then, who walks aboard the ship but some "hot dame," Olive Oyl, who asks the two guys if either would show her around. This is one of those Popeye cartoons in which nobody really knows each other. Neither of the guys know who Olive is, but they like what they see! So much for the woman-hating talk! From that point, it's a contest for the "goil." The humor is decent in here; nothing super but entertaining enough to watch with a smile on your face.

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Robert Reynolds

Usually, Olive irritates me no end. But in this one, there are times when I feel sorry for her, because Popeye and Bluto see her more as a prize to be won in their continual battle with one another, rather than as someone worth having around for her own sake. Excellent animation and good sight gags here. Well worth watching. Recommended.

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