Peace, Love & Misunderstanding
Peace, Love & Misunderstanding
| 13 September 2011 (USA)

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A conservative lawyer named Diane takes her two teenage children Jake and Zoe to meet their estranged, hippie grandmother in Woodstock after her husband asks for a divorce.


terrible... so disappointed.


Amateur movie with Big budget


In other words,this film is a surreal ride.


All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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I enjoyed this movie. It made me think about my own relationships that might need mending. Also made me happy to see Catherine keener's character let go of hard feelings, and just forgive.Everyone needs to love their mom!

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Robert W.

This film redefines ho-hum. It seems to be the sort of script that a person who thinks they want to be a writer would come up with. The characters are achingly two dimensional and when they're not that, they are so stereotypical it borderlines awful. Even the cast (which is exceptional) seems to be bored with the characters they play. I don't mind when a film is formulaic in the genre but sometimes you have to find your footing to make yourself at least a little bit unique and this doesn't even try. The worst part perhaps is that the great climatic moment when everything is made clear and the family realizes their differences and their strengths makes no sense. The kid's film that brings them altogether is not even remotely good and will leave you scratching your head. The chemistry between all the major players is lack luster at best and even that is being generous. Is it a terrible movie? Well, its not the worst I've seen but that is probably only because of the solid cast doing what they can with an awful script.Jane Fonda made a resurgence in the early 2000's with films I actually loved like Monster-in-Law and Georgia Rules. First of all Fonda looks fantastic and she could probably really do a lot with a character like this. A hippie woman still living life to the fullest but has alienated her daughter because of her free spirited ways. Instead the character is boring and so typical. What a shame. I'm not a huge fan of Catherine Keener, I always find her a little dry but she's like a desert in this film. She has the emotional range of a tree trunk. I'm not sure she even shows any emotion and she delivers her lines in a monotone. The idea that her and Fonda are mother and daughter comes across as a joke and you won't believe it for a minute. Elizabeth Olsen who stunned audiences in Martha Marcy Mae Marlene and has done well in other films like Silent House, should watch her roles more closely. She is actually the one character I almost liked but realistically the script and the bad direction drags her down to. She also has the most chemistry with Chace Crawford but even that is just a little bit. Nat Wolff as the son who should be a major player but a complete disappointment. He seems like he's supposed to be college age but he behaves like an angsty coming of age twelve year old. Jeffrey Dean Morgan who I love is reduced to a supporting supporting love interest who hardly has any screen time except for one actually enjoyable and cute scene when him and Keener sing together.I can literally hardly believe this was directed by Australian director Bruce Beresford who has years and years of experience and has done some great films. I don't know how this one was such a miss. Then again on the surface it looks like all the pieces are in place and then the film barely sputters along until it finally ends. It is of no surprise to me that co-writers Joseph Muszynski and Christina Mengert have virtually no credits to their names. It never surprises me when I see a film like this. I often wonder how big names get forced into projects like this because then I think everyone gives about 20% and it shows in the final project. There isn't any reason to see this unless you're truly a die hard Fonda fan. It is truly the definition of sub-par ho-hum entertainment. 5/10

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Tony Heck

"I don't even know what I'm doing here." After her husband asks for a divorce uptight lawyer Diane (Keener) needs to get away. She takes her kids to visit her mother Grace (Fonda) in Woodstock. When she gets there she remembers why she left in the first place and doesn't want her mother "infecting" her children. Little by little Grace and the town begin to have an effect on the family and things begin to change. While this is not really that original of an idea the movie is done is a way that makes it seem fresh and keeps you entertained all the way through. The movie itself is very OK but the casting in this really makes the movie better then it should have been and once again proves that no matter what the movie is about and how many effects you add a movie is only as good as the actors in it. This is a perfect example of that. Jane Fonda is perfect in the role of the hippie mother but once again the young Elizabeth Olsen steals the movie and it's only a matter of time before she is winning Oscars. This is just a feel good type movie that is relaxing to watch and is enjoyable throughout. Overall, not really much to it but it is a good movie to put in and enjoy. I give it a B+.

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"Catherine Keener is Jane Fonda's daughter who comes with children to visit and ends up changing her life in some way" Bruce Beresford has made some movies over the years that have been well liked (Best Picture winning Driving Miss Daisy), but with his film this year he makes a horrible film with no saving elements to this film about unlikeable underwhelming characters who cannot help but complain about everything it their life. Catherine Keenner plays Diane a new york lawyer who when her husband asks for a divorce decides to Visit her mother Grace (Jane Fonda) in Woodstock bring along her two children Zoe (Elizabeth Olsen) the intelligent vegetarian and Cole (Nat Wolff) the wannabee filmmaker, but when they get to Woodstock they quickly find out Grandma is not one normal person but a woman who sells drugs, paints naked people and ruins her daughter's life.The story introduces us to other characters like love interests for three people from New York, Jude (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) for Diane, Cole (Chace Crawford) for Zoe and Tara (Marissa O'Donnell). There are many other characters who are a part of this hippie tribe of people but these seven people seem to be the main characters of the film. This film fails first on setting up the relationships between the main characters for example after some fights from the couples after some annoying song of forgiveness plays they get straight back together which is a failure on the writers part first.The performances are so bad because the actor's are not given much to do as the script makes all the characters unlikeable and the same type of people. Sure Fonda and Keener look like a mother daughter combo but they do not do much but stand there and say the words that were written for them and that's really the positive because the negative is too much to talk about. Elizabeth Olsen has been a breakout lately but the character of Zoe is not a good girl as she thinks too high of herself saying to many and thinking she is the best. The son is even worse as he try's to be sweet and lovable but to me he came off as boring and a nothing role which is also the way I felt about every other character in the film, even though the script try's to use them more then I wish the didn't.This was not an enjoyable film and the talents of Keener, Fonda and Olsen are wasted as they are given nothing roles in a film not worth you time or effort. Badly written and directed this film was one of the worst I've seen this year so far.MOVIE GRADE: F (MVP: Jane Fonda)

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