Pushing Tin
Pushing Tin
R | 23 April 1999 (USA)
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Two air traffic controllers who thrive on living dangerously compete to outdo each other on several levels.


Brilliant and touching


Am I Missing Something?

Micah Lloyd

Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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There's quite a few negative reviews here and it is quite interesting to see the different opinions and things that people got out of the film. For me I really enjoyed it - it really portrayed the life of an ATC really well and all the intricacies and detail was cool to see - the Director obviously tried to introduce us to the stress, fast-paced world of an ATC and the sort of pressures they are put through. It is enjoyable to watch Cusack's energy - if not a little stressful. Billy Bob Thornton has a cool swagger and devilish charm that draws you in and is great as a stark opposite to that of Cusack's character.The reason I enjoyed this film was for the portrayal of the unique roles of ATC's and the human element of Cusack's evolution in his character as he realized that his lifestyle was terribly unhealthy. The two characters, in the end, learnt much from one another's differences.

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Lee Eisenberg

What the hell? Someone thought that THIS passed for a plot? I swear, NOTHING happens in "Pushing Tin". The entire movie is little more than two hours of people talking about disjointed topics. The movie isn't even so bad that it's good; it's just bad. John Cusack, Billy Bob Thornton, Cate Blanchett and Angelina Jolie are completely wasted. How on earth could director Mike Newell go from something as good as "Donnie Brasco" to this? At least he went on to direct "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire".Look, there are lots of good movies out there. The very same year in which "Pushing Tin" came out, John Cusack also starred in "Being John Malkovich" and "Cradle will Rock", while Cate Blanchett starred in "The Talented Mr. Ripley". This one, however, is NOT worth your time.

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Pretty standard fluff movie, there's not a lot to say about it. That kind of John Cusack mix of drama and comedy that I always enjoy, although something about it felt off. The main character is too hard to like, although I did enjoy Cusack since I think it's impossible for me not to, and none of the people surrounding him were very interesting or entertaining. The kind of thing that can keep my attention late at night before I go to bed, but certainly isn't anything special at all.They try to do some interesting things with the characters once or twice, the darkness of having that kind of job, but pretty quickly move on to something more conventional and easy. I have a firm dislike of Billy Bob Thornton, so I'm glad this focused almost primarily on Cusack and I think I got the most out of it that someone could. Cate Blanchett was strangely awful in it, though, and oh my god hilariously bad Angelina Jolie. Still, okay John Cusack movie and that was all that I wanted.

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This film is about two air traffic controllers who compete with each other in every way possible.At times "Pushing Tin" is amusing, because of how Nick Falzone does not get the way he wants when he starts a competition with Russell Bell. However, the entertainment stops there. The plot is rather dull with two men mindlessly creating needless duels against each other. They drive recklessly, and irresponsibly creating near misses to prove their superiority. Why they have to fight is beyond my comprehension. In the process of their competition, they give air traffic controllers a bad name with all the recklessly irresponsible risk taking behaviour. Despite a strong cast, "Pushing Tin" is disappointingly senseless.

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