Resident Evil: Damnation
Resident Evil: Damnation
R | 25 September 2012 (USA)
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U.S. federal agent Leon S. Kennedy sneaks into the "East Slavic Republic" to verify rumors that Bio-Organic Weapons (BOWs) are being used in the country's civil war, which the U.S. and Russia are making preparations to jointly intervene in. Right after his infiltration, the U.S. government orders him to leave immediately. Determined to uncover the truth, Leon ignores the order and enters the battlefield to end the chain of tragedies caused by the BOWs.


Too much of everything


One of my all time favorites.


Good , But It Is Overrated By Some

Bessie Smyth

Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.

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Phil Hubbs

Right I'm gonna be honest here and admit I lost the plot with Resi Evil along time ago. I had the very first original game and followed the plot easily. Since then the story has spiralled off in various directions and has morphed into something quite different from the original simple idea.Thusly I am completely unable to determine if this new CGI animated sequel is accurate or follows on from any part of the numerous videogames. Of course the bottom line is if you wanna see a good proper Resi Evil flick then this is what you watch, unlike the comicbook style live action films.Yes this film is bloody and violent with no holds barred on what you expect from the Resi Evil franchise. I'm confident any fans will get a kick outta this new offering with some great creature action, zombie action and your obligatory slow motion action sequences which show off the crisp CGI to the smallest pixel.For me...I didn't really like it. Why? because the plot is sooooo so unexplained, do you have to be a Resi Evil fanboy to get this? No reason for anything that happens or why, characters are dull and stereotypical plus it just feels like a long video game ingame sequence, but I guess that can't really be helped. I also found the CGI to be very very good on the human characters, especially facial close ups, but rather average on pretty much everything else! Lip syncing on speech is still somewhat lacking and looks a bit crappy.As for plot points, I didn't like the fact certain humans can now control the Bio-Organic Weapons through their mind via some kind of technological advancement. That advancement being an 'Alien 3' rip where by the Bio-Organic Weapon uses a human host to live in which creates a connection between the two, eh? I also didn't understand where all this BOW's came from either, this one guy controlled them and there seemed to be a never ending stream of the things...from nowhere.Other issues cropped up like the zombies going round stuffing these embryo type things down uninfected peoples throats. I guess they were the BOW embryo's that would enable humans to control them, but why would the zombies be doing that? who is controlling the zombies? oh my! Finally who or what on earth were these huge pale bald Mortal Kombat looking characters in the finale?? Just popped up from nowhere, virtually indestructible and looked like the alien space jockeys from 'Prometheus'. What really bugs me about Resi Evil now is the fact its become a kind of monster mash with no real suspense anymore. Its just a guns blazing, blood spilling, in your face monster brawl along the lines of Mortal Kombat, the original spooky horror element has faded away for pure adrenaline soaked action. I also feel the whole idea has been milked too much and the Umbrella company lost its mystery yonks ago.This is definitely the kind of Resi Evil film your looking for if your a fan but for uninitiated folk like myself it may seem a bit hectic and raise many questions. Questions like...what on Titan is going on here?!4/10

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Never heard of Resident Evil: Damnation before? Can't remember which movie it is since most Resident Evil movies have one spectacular word in the title but ultimately fails to deliver? Worry not, Resident Evil: Damnation is a 3D animation Blu-Ray/DVD spin-off which didn't air in cinema, so at least you won't regret paying for ticket. Using full CGI, the movie has excellent visual and wicked action scenes, although the usual problem of campy one-liner and some plot issue linger like bad does of T-Virus.Graphic is top-notch, it's on par with some of the best CG of this gen. Facial structure and body motion have been polished greatly, and props to Capcom for making hair look quite realistic. The shiniest part is how it cleverly manipulates the lighting, every light source has different ambiance. Tone of atmosphere looks differently under many shades, be it from moonlight, sunrise, tiny light from bullet holes or even simple flashlight. Shadow dances about delicately, making the contrast of light and dark even more featured.Monsters are eerie down to its gruesome details, especially noted in occasional switch to first person view. While there are not many kinds, the movie highlighted its monsters with dynamic speedy movement and imposing physique. The movie succeeds in capturing the intense essence of older Resident Evil games, while not as consistently as it could've been, it's certainly better than what its predecessors had to offer. Action is swift and neatly done, some are melee hand to hand combat, and silly it may be, Ada Wong fighting against female president is quite the spectacle.At latter part, the action intensifies with remarkable pace. There are not many sequences that can rival the movie in its climatic moment, even amongst today's adventure movie or game. However, these bits are rather short compared to the dull slow build up, its graphic is not without fault either. In some larger scale scenes, motion and details aren't as smooth as the rest. The constant slow-mo might get old and it becomes very apparent from the number of stuffs thrown, it caters to 3D viewing.Story is expectedly confusing, despite the social and political back story it tries to present. It's a shame, since the plot could've been more solid if only there's more explanation than stupid quips. Resident Evil is infamous in its regurgitation of B-movie humor attempt, it thinks that it's clever, it's most definitely not. I find it hard to believe anyone would have the time to produce corny remarks when running from homicidal nightmarish creatures.The bad dialogue also hurts characterization, even though the movie barely has any character development to speak of. In several scenes, it tries to draw some sort of emotion, but the ludicrous script contradicts the effort. This is not some self-deprecating jokes that can be funny, it is just bad. Story severely needs more clarity, things just sort of happen, little to none explanation is given as it pushes more dramatic moments with frivolous lines.Somber chirping tracks accompanies the movies; it's pretty good, obviously bringing more reminiscence and some tension. Dubbing is decent, there's a lip-sync awkwardness, but it is expected in multilingual film. Ending song is simply atrocious, bad marketing decision since the credit also serves as teaser for Resident Evil 6.It's undeniably the film has some production value as quality of the visual and action are high. Capcom commendably elevates the graphic, but the use of flimsy screenplay and inane catchphrase should be things of the past. The franchise is trapped in the limbo of advancing technology and mundane writing. As it stands now, Resident Evil: Damnation is a decent DVD spin-off plagued with tiresome plot.Rate 6/10

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This reminded me of Resident Evil 4 slightly. Leon goes in alone and gets captured by the people he came there to stop. I guess the only thing real different is that they found something that controls the creatures to a point. We have all of the characters from Leon's side of the storyline like the 'bombshell' Ada Wong to Leon Kennedy and Ingrid Hunnigan. And even in all of this, they have new characters that actually are lovable even if they don't stay for very long.The problems I have with the show are actually rather minimal but the ending feels as though it was extremely predictable. We have a large fight going with a 'new' form of strong bio-weapon, and a facility that is about to go through genetic cleansing. Then we have the 'boss' fight with multiple stages to him.It's interesting that they used images of Resident Evil 6 in the ending theme but if you haven't played the game, your left wondering what the reasoning was for it. I know I may be reviewing these shows out of order but a good movie normally has something that helps even new watchers understand what's going on.Wow, the animation actually looks so much better then what they had in Degeneration. It's much more fluid and the characters look much more realistic without going over the boundaries of the game style. We even get the exploding heads of the zombie people that I bet those who have played the games hate. One of my favorite points is when they go into first person view because it looks so much like the real thing (When I mean real thing, I mean both game and real life horror shows). The points I do hate is that they actually show someone getting forced into one of the zombies. Whenever I see someone forcing those… things… into someone's mouth, I always end up gagging a bit. I also hate the slow motion times they use although it's used quite sparingly in this one. The textures are good except the fact that all the men seem to have lip-gloss or lip stick on their lips.The English voices are pretty good and you can most of the time tell who is American and who is from the Soviet Union. Characters actually sound close to what they were in the games and I believe its because they are the same voice actors but could be wrong. The music was also rather well done and worked to the movies advantage.

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The Biohazard / Resident Evil universe invites with an animated story focused on the well-liked character of Leon S. Kennedy (Matthew Mercer). In a made up Slava Republic (Why do they always have to think stuff like this up? Why not just keep it real?) infighting between the presidential forces of Svetlana Belikova (Wendee Lee) and resurgents led by Alexander 'Sasha' Kozachenko (Dave Wittenberg) causes the latter to dabble with Bio-Organic Weapons of the Umbrella Corporation. By attempting to utilise the Plaga parasite to control lickers the tide of civil war is supposed to turn. This situation causes the appearance of Ada Wong (Courtenay Taylor), who undoubtedly possesses hidden motives. Meanwhile Leon tries his best to contain the BOW use before the situation explodes out of control...After a severely disappointing Resident Evil: Retribution, the animated feature comes off as a breath of fresh air. While this isn't entirely true, as voice acting ranges from over-exuberant to wooden and the dialogues churned out for story purposes as unanimously god-awful. That said the plot itself remains enticing, although without much of a survival thriller feel to it, more inclined towards all out action focused on biological warfare than stricte Zombie genre stuff. And what action it is! The movie is infested mostly by Majini and some gruesome Lickers, but the best comes in the form of the appearance of Tyrants. The ultimate Resident Evil foe appears with intended mayhem, delivering an absolute epic battle featuring exploding trucks, tanks and Tyrants vs hordes of Lickers, which make up for the atrociously shallow scriptwriting.The much appreciated CGI animation is riveting - a pure feast for the eyes, full with mind-blowing details and captivating sequences.

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