| 02 September 2011 (USA)
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Robotropolis Trailers

A group of reporters are covering the unveiling of a new facility that is completely maintained by robot prototypes. When one of the robots goes haywire, the reporters find themselves not just reporting on the malfunction, but fighting for their lives.


It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.

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The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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Teddie Blake

The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.

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The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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No movie more deserves a one star rating than this.Bad acting. Boring plot. Emotionless, unbelievable garbage. Nothing interesting happens in this movie... and whoever wrote the dialogue shouldn't be allowed the privilege again... let alone be paid for it...I LOVE Science Fiction!! I Love robots. I even love shitty B movies!! But this was just... bad... I cringed frequently at how awful it was... physically cringed!! The CGI is actually acceptable in this. It's pretty okay. Not good, but okay... but the rest of the movie was just... awful...I only watched it to the end because... well... I was doing other things online anyway. There are times when I'm ALMOST MILDLY ENTERTAINED... almost... but then something makes me cringe at how stupid it is... and how unbelievable the acting is...ALSO... recently there was that Sandyhook Newtown shooting (after this movie came out)... and all through out this movie it's talking about New Town... and at one point they're even hiding in a room IN A SCHOOL while people are beings shot and killed by the robots... there was even a little girl they tried to save... and children that got killed... horrible coincidence... but wow... the whole time this felt like a parody of that school shooting :\

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I looked at this film in the same breath. Not to say of course that draws on Oscar IMHO painful story here is simple. But wanted to note that the director's job is not so bad and nothing like setting, not too primitive. Given the idea, then the film is good, especially liked his unusual. Peculiar idea spicing notes film. I do not want to judge strictly film, the camera work is also nothing, there are many gaps, and if a severe critic would say what they were everywhere, then agree. But I'd add that in addition to shortcomings, and I saw a lot of positives. And especially liked the fact that the linearity of the plot is not interrupted by any stupidity or "tyagomyatinoy" off topic. I mean, there is an idea, the idea and the plot, and the creators in one way or another, managed to bring it in order to convey the message of the film. A more in this genre and is not necessary, you could spend a lot of money and resources, and the product could get a lot worse.The main disadvantages of the film - it is a small budget, and not a rich scenario of course is to great effect on the final result ... But in general, the film turned out good. It is a pity he was sentenced too harshly, but my opinion: the direction of such works have the potential in the future.I'm Russin and Sorry, if that ... I translated his thought through "your" Google, and he is very stupid translates from Russian into English and so sorry. But I would like to convey my words exactly, a lot of things to talk about the film ...

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Contains plot spoilers The first thing to say is I saw the trailer for this and thought that it looked pretty good in a low budget way. So I rented it and I am glad that I rented this rather than buying it. Also one of the problems with the trailer is that it sells it as a movie where the robots go mad or gain sentience and fight back against their human slave masters. Though as the movie progresses you will understand that this view is misguided as the real resolution of the movie is so mundane.The movie starts as a documentary type of a movie and my first thoughts were oh no this is going to suck. This movie really wants to be district 9. The only things that it lacks are plot, acting, effects and a good budget. It is similar to District 9 in the way it starts as a documentary and then moves to narrative movie in the final third of the movie. There the similarities end as this is a poor excuse for a SF movie.The movie starts with an interview with the creator of the robots. This sets the scene. We have already seen the mayhem in the trailer so I wanted them to get on with the story. Actually this is the best bit of the movie so enjoy it while it lasts. Then it switches to an atrociously animated robot playing football. That it when you know that this movie is going to be one of those turds you see on the syfy channel masquerading as a good SF movie. The robot goes mad and shoots one of the other players. This for me was the ultimate in bone head screen writing. Why would you give a robot that works in an oil refinery or plays football with kids a gun in its hand? It makes no sense whatsoever. The robots then go on the rampage and the TV reporters who are making a live broadcast film it all for the titillation of the viewers. We get treated to a half hour space filler about the robot shooting someone. This is handled so badly that if I had not been watching it with someone else I would have turned it off. So the robos go on the rampage (snore). Then it turns into a bad SF movie where they have to escape from the robos (yawn) until we the viewer are finally treated to a blank screen as we do not know if the heroes are going to escape.Big plot spoiler.The robots do not gain sentience they are just programmed to kill as the person who made them is jealous as he has not got any credit for their use. That is all they could come up with? Wow that stinks as the twist.I think the makers thought that they could mix westworld with district 9 and come up with a good movie. They thought wrong. The acting is below par. The effects are laughable. The script is slow and boring. As with other reviewers I would advise you not to watch this rubbish.

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Greg Thompson

Honestly... watching this film was a bad idea.Bad writing.A soccer player and a robot get into a fight. Why are all the people on the field not even paying attention to it? Then the robot kills him and they all leave. Why is the news crew just chilling like he won't do anything else? The robot just walks away and the news crew is minimally cautious as he does so. Why are they even approaching the killbot? Then the players come back and chant nobots nobots! Why has no one called for help or even checked on their buddy? The movie just goes downhill... Do not waste your time, unless you find humor in watching terrible movies. Watch a real robot movie - iRobot or Terminator.

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