Rollin' with the Nines
Rollin' with the Nines
| 21 April 2006 (USA)
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Too Fine and his friends Finny, Pushy and Rage hope to set up a successful urban underground garage...


Charming and brutal


A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.

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Billie Morin

This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

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I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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the other review for RWTN was published as a PR exercise by the film makers."You could polish a turkey and make his beak shiny but he will still be a turkey"this film has no good vibes, you are meant to go to cinema to be entertained not disgusted.Deeply offensive. not even cathartic* guns = glamour (or so this film decrees)would not be an issue but the makers use completely inappropriate tagging of their film that implies there is a sociological message to the piece when there is not, nothing clever about this clichéd endorsement of criminality

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Well... If you think Chavs are interesting and exciting then watch this film. People with more than one brain cell will not like this film. The film is about black gangs dealing drugs. Gang members die because they decide that they're stepping on each others "turf". What a surprise. The film is incredibly boring and the rape scene makes you want to be sick. The film glorifies the gang culture. Sadly this film will stick in the minds of the many simple people who watch it and have a negative effect on society as a whole as it promotes the gangster (uk/chav gangster) lifestyle. Films like this should be banned.Don't waste your time on this peasant trash... .

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If you can get over the faults with this film it's actually quite enjoyable. Yes it's another London gangster movie and yes it's over the top at times. But it doses depict a sense of realism that most of this is happening in London nowadays for real.The director takes no prisoners when Violence is concerned. It's often brutal, real and in your face.Guns are everywhere in this movie as you would expect from the film title and the characters are not afraid to use them. In the opening 20 Min's there is a bit of Gun loving, a nightclub fight, a shooting and a Rape. Then things go into overdrive. Was very impressed with the shootout in the Jamaican crack den the whole scene gripped me from beginning to end. With an impressive use of CGI for the bullets which overall gave it a bit more realism. Ending in some excellent frying pan action From Mr Stone. Terry Stone gives a menacing and believable performance as a hard nose crooked copper who seems to enjoy violence and bully boy tactics. To watch Jason Flemying and Terry Stone verbally spar was very enjoyable. Although Flemying in my opinion should have been used more in this movie his time on screen is a breath of fresh air to this film. But it does seem that all the other actors in the police unit speak with the same monotone sleep educing deep voice. Which is noticeable when they are all together in a scene. The characterisation within the remaining police unit could have been better. Billy Murray's character is predictable it would be nice to see this actor stretch himself outside of a gangster/crooked policeman role one day. But on this film he gives an all together a solid performance.Vas (Wasn't he in grange hill) Blackwood gives another strong performance. Robbie Gee seems to be in his element playing the bad boy yardieOverall this film is enjoyable. It's rough round the edges at times as all low budget films are. The acting is ropey at times, noticeable from the first timers on screen. But the other actors outway this and produce an enjoyable solid gangster flick. The sound track to this film as you would expect is full of in your face Rap and Reggie. Which all adds to the feel and the mood of the film.Overall a good film Just don't watch it with your mum or grandparents.

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I saw Rollin' with the nines in Newham Showcase Cinema on Friday, and I was very pleasantly surprised! The first maybe 20-25 minutes was extremely hard to get into. It was a bit of a barrage on your senses getting thrown into this world at the deep end. However the film changes direction at the half hour mark and goes from strength to strength.The best bit of the whole film was the first raid on the yardies. It was as good if not better then the Hollywood film Narc, which I love. It was really excellent, got the heart racing and was filmed brilliantly. Another nice scene was the tale of the Sawn off 12 gauge, original and clever.Me and my mates who went to see it all agreed Rollin' was best when following the coppers. Weird I know, because after most gangster films it kind of makes you want to be a gangster, but the film shows those characters life's so brutally that after the film it kind of makes you want to a hard arse detective, even though they were 'corrupt' cops! The best performance is from Terry Stone, he has a real screen presence, stealing scenes away from seasoned Brit flick actors like Vas Blackwood and Jason Flemyng.A really brilliant effort for a low budget British film, I hope it gets the cinema time it rightfully deserves, especially when their is rubbish like Scary Movie 4 out there clogging up our theatres! It may start very heavy for the average cinema goer but stick with it, because by the end you don't want it to end.

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