Romantics Anonymous
Romantics Anonymous
| 22 December 2010 (USA)
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What happens when a man and a woman share a common passion? They fall in love. And this is what happens to Jean-René, the boss of a small chocolate factory, and Angélique, a gifted chocolate maker he has just hired. What occurs when a highly emotional man meets a highly emotional woman? They fall in love, and this is what occurs to Jean-René and Angélique who share the same handicap. But being pathologically timid does not make things easy for them. So whether they will manage to get together, join their solitudes and live happily ever after is a guessing matter.


What a waste of my time!!!




Excellent, a Must See

Cissy Évelyne

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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After spending 4 hours getting a virus out of my laptop and spending an hour fixing the freezer,I felt like staying away from anything complex,and watching an easy-going flick! Taking a look at Netflix UK,I spotted what appeared to be a charming French Romantic Comedy,which led to me getting ready to find out how anonymous the romantics could be.The plot:Suffering from social anxiety, Angélique Delange finds herself unable to show her chocolate making skills with confidence.Also suffering with social anxiety,sweet shop owner M. Mercier tells Delange that he will sell her chocolate,and make up a tale about who the chef is,so that she can pretend to just be a sales rep. Accepting the offer, Delange and Mercier are thrilled to hear from customers over the next 7 years that this is the best chocolate they have ever had.Taking the latest batch to the shop,Delange is shocked to discover that Mercier has suddenly died.After mourning the loss of Mercier, Delange decides to follow Mercier's praise of her chocolate,and get a job at The Chocolate Mill.Finding Mill owner Jean-René Van Den Hugde to have a burning passion for chocolate,Delange is horrified to find that the business is about to go bankrupt,which leads to Delange deciding to do everything she can to stop The Chocolate Mill turning into a chocolate teapot.View on the film: Diving into the chocolate,co-writer/(along with Philippe Blasband) director Jean-Pierre Améris & cinematographer Gérard Simon make the movie look like a diamond-crusted box of chocolates,as rustic greens and ruby reds painted with glossy chocolate.For the screenplay,the writers give the film an enchanting fairy tale atmosphere,with the message about facing your fears being poured with a delicate touch.Keeping away from hard boiling the romance,the writers stir the romance between Hugde & Delange into a light mix,by giving each of them terrifically awkward quarks,which leads to very funny bumbling set-pieces,as Hugde and Delange try to taste a velvety finish.Chaging in and out of his shirts, Benoît Poelvoorde gives a great performance as Hugde,thanks to Poelvoorde swaying Hugde's bag of nerves to the adorable,rather than the annoying side of things.Kicking her heels in happiness,the cute Isabelle Carré gives a joyful performance as Delange,whose kooky edges Carré turns into a wonderful match to Hugde's anxiety,as Delange and Hugde put the romantic anonymous inside a box of chocolates.

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A bit of independent romantic bizarre mixture to create a suitable environment to enjoy the movie.Indeed, from the start to the odd end, the movie presents a fresh idea if you are tired of the typical American romantic comedy but you love the concept of two strangers falling in love; the movie is enthralling and fresh that even the predictable happy ending has a innovating details to left the viewer with a smile.Besides the situations you have the awkwardness of the characters allowing you to have a wonderful time laughing with/at them.Recommended as well as the soundtrack.

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This movie I would recommend. I watched it on the Tuesday, right after Thanksgiving Monday in Canada. It was pouring with rain outside in the middle of autumn but this movie seemed to warm me up - even if it was only by the imaginary connection that I had to these film-screen fake actors on the big screen. It did not seem to bother me that I was connecting with the people in the movie. Instead it brought me a gentle-ness of being. The story-line is a very uncomplicated one and indicated to me and even the most timid of individuals can find their romantic better half. This movie is slightly about mental illness and at the same time it gets contrasted with such a logic and socialization that the mental illness like symptoms seem to disappear like the rainbows after the rain. This movie is very hopeful and optimistic, something which I perhaps needed after a week of survival manual labour and tired employment days.

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If you like to come out of the theatre smiling and nodding to your fellow audience in a manner that says "that was a lovely bit of nonsense and all's well with the world" then Romantics Anonymous is the perfect antidote to the Hollywood flash, CGT and emptiness.We all know what the outcome will be more or less from the start but the journey is the thing and for the gentlemen among us there is the beauty of Isabelle Carre to enjoy on the journey. Looking at the other reviews I haven't seen any reference to the director's tip of the hat to Julie Andrews and The Sound of Music in the scene where Angelique dances down the shopping arcade with her samples suitcase.A little gem. Go and see it. You won't be disappointed.

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