S.I.C.K. Serial Insane Clown Killer
S.I.C.K. Serial Insane Clown Killer
| 20 October 2003 (USA)
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A couple of friends are chased by a killer clown in the woods during a weekend.


good back-story, and good acting


Admirable film.

Frances Chung

Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable

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Lucia Ayala

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.

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John Crane

This is probably the perfect example of false advertisement, and not the first stunt by Artisan Entertainment. This movie was not a B-movie, but not an A-movie, it was a D- - movie, it had horrible acting, a horrible cat and mouse chase, a horrible killer, a horrible plot and a horrible set. The movie is about a businessman who takes his skeptical "friends" out for the weekend to his cabin, they pick up a gorgeous hitchhiker, and soon a killer "clown" in the woods stalks them. Pretty cliché, but it gets worse than just clowns running around in the woods with knifes. There was no plot; in fact the entire story just seemed like on giant non sequitur even though the killer was centralized.The killer, like many other murderous clown movies, was not scary and perhaps the most hysterical killer clown in all horrible killer clown movies. The clown mask looks nothing like what is depicted on the video case, which made me really made. The killer is a morbidly obese madman who lives in a shack with dolls and whistles nursery rhythms. Not as bad as Mr. Jingles or Killjoy, but still greatly funny. I will thank the director for including an ear-piercing laugh to accompany the non-sadistic clown as many other films so horribly did.Another thing; the acting was so bad in this movie. The actor seemed so mysterious, they acted like a bunch of teenagers, which they were, when they are trying to act like businessmen. They acted like they belonged to a Lifetime movie, the kind of actors that seem like they have no idea what they are doing and aren't quit committed to their acting work. I had a great time watching these guys running around in the woods acting like they were scared and so desperately trying to reenact, or perhaps to reference, the classic chase scene in Texas Chainsaw Massacre.The plot, like I said before, seemed like a random coin toss and was so predictable. You'd watch it an know just what happens. There is absolutely no scary parts in this movie, not even a little jump or two; just random silliness intermixed with fat clown. Actually, looking back at that sentence, it's funnier that it was before. There is a dark and grotesque overtone in this movie, and it's not the bloodshed, it's the complete lack of direction and scares.I enjoy B-movies, it they are done right, but to label something like this a "horror," is a complete mockery of the genre. I appreciate the effort that the writers and directors for trying to accomplish horror, and I appreciate the thought, but this movie was just plain terrible. It's definitely not horror it's a comedy. I would not recommend this movie to any horror fan or horror fanatic. Perhaps I may recommend this to B-movie connoisseurs, but if they know good taste, then they will stay far, far, far away from this movie.

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I was shocked to read the negative comments posted about this movie. It was a great movie. It even gave me nightmares. This was a truly sick movie, as the title suggest. The acting was phenomenal. "Brandon" blew me away with his incredible acting skills. The characters in the movie were extremely good looking, so good looking, it made the movie almost unrealistic. The sex scenes made me horny. The angles of the camera were incredible, better than Hitchock's. The plot couldn't have been better. The clown was so frightening i almost peed my pants. This movie is seriously a must see for all horror lovers. I can't wait to rent 2 SICK/Mr.Jingles. I'm hoping it'll be as good as this one, but i highly doubt it seeing this one was so great. Sincerely the best horror movie i ever seen. I thought the remake of The Fog was good until I saw S.I.C.K.

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OK, so I rented this clown-like-Chainsaw-Massacre-esquire film, not expected much, but I did like the novel approach to a serial killer film. (from the back of the box is the following synopsis) "At first, it was just a joke - a myth around the campfire - for five friends staying at a remote cabin in the Texas woods. But when they began to disappear one-by-one, replaced by scattered, bloodied body parts and voodoo effigies, the remaining few scramble for their lives. But he's out there. And he's sick. And all he wants is blood..." So obviously from the get-go it doesn't make sense: why is this clown in the woods to begin with? Why a clown? Why are their dolls with the word "food" drawn on them? Why why why? Hardly anything gets answered in this 1 hour 30 min. bore fest except where this clown lives. The characters are dumb guys, dumb girls, and a hell of a lot of bitchiness. One in particular is a girl whom they brought from a restaurant up the road, whom they thought they should help because she was getting hassled by some guy she knew. What warrants that as an excuse to bring a girl into your circle of friends or their cabin? She, of course, begins planting seeds of jealousy, having the men have sex with her by feeding their dumb minds everything they want to hear.The music was an average affair (standard frantic keyboard music like in every horror film without differences). The actors seemed to be brought from some soap opera the way they complained and whined about everything. The idea that the main guy in the film takes this girl to the cabin as their first date makes for a horrible date, but of course, she unrealistically gives herself to him on the first night of getting to know him. There was hardly a budget spent of anything, it seems, but there was a clown outfit and plenty of cheap $1-store dolls lying around in the woods, which was a horribly bland place to shoot this whole movie (been done too many times). I was also waiting for the clown to jump into the house to kill the remaining 4 characters of the film (in through the glass maybe), but nothing exciting like that ever entered the film. I guess you were just supposed to like the clown being a killer or something.I had to give the film a 3. It was an interesting premise (clown as the Texas Chainsaw Massacre character, essentially) and I'll give them a star for acting serious all the way through when the movie could've totally been a B-movie-style video, but they opted for the more legitimate style of video. But ultimately, I probably would've felt like renting the Killer Klowns from Mars video again before going back to check this out. Ah, but that cover art...pretty awesome drawing.

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This was by far the worst low budget horror movie i have ever seen. I am an open minded guy and i always love a good horror movie. In fact, when I'm renting movies i specifically look for some good underrated horror movies. They are always good for a laugh, believe i know, i have seen many. But this movie was just so terrible it wasn't worth a chuckle. I was considering turning it off in the first five minutes... which i probably should have. There is nothing good about it, first and foremost, the camera crew suck3d A$$. The intro was stupid just like the ending. Acting and special effects were terrible. Please I'm begging you, do NOT watch this movie, you will absolutely hate it.

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