R | 15 December 2003 (USA)
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At an exclusive, secluded North American ski resort up on Mount Rocky Summit, brutal slashing, severing and beheading on a group of teenagers are taking place and are believed to be the work of a mysterious skier dressed in black.


Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!

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the audience applauded


This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.

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Bluebell Alcock

Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies

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Checking out their family's ski lodge, a group of friends learns the local legend about the haunted lift on their slopes is true when a psychotic killer begins killing them off one-by-one for being on the mountain and must find a way to stop the killer and get away alive.This here wasn't all that bad of a slasher effort. The main thing here with this one is the fact that this one really manages to get enjoyable with how it actually builds the mysterious backstory of the area as there's a lot to like in this section. Not only is there a rather fine origin story here about the dead daughter and the wife's accident but there's also the fun here with the shifty background information found out here that goes quite well with how this imparts a change to the storyline here by really taking what could've been a simple ghost story into a solid slasher basis filled with some nice red herrings and a rather fun reveal that comes off rather nicely. Likewise, the variety of the kills in here are rather nice as there are some rather decent offerings here which are given a much better overall feel here with some nice bloody aftermath to give them a really great feel as it makes for a decent slasher effort. The only other enjoyable facet here is the action from the finale as this is where the film really has a lot of action to spread throughout here with the killer taking the group out one-by- one in some tense stalking up in the bedroom, going after the girlfriend down in the kitchen and finally out on the slopes where there's plenty of fun action encounters that force this into a really fun finish. These here hold this one up over the flaws present, which are pretty significant. The film's biggest issue is the rather clumsy manner in which the early scenes here don't really display any real sense of tension or attempt to terrify as there's a matter-of-fact air about how they're shot and filmed, draining the suspense from the scenes as there's very little scary or suspenseful antics about them other than the outcome and this really lowers the first half considerably. There's also the surprisingly tame way this deals with its exploitation elements here by barely managing any real nudity or sleaze despite an abundance of chances to get her naked as she showers in the beginning and strips down several other times yet always keeps it hidden which makes no sense. The other flaw to this is the overly lame rationale for the killers' motives against the group which is completely ludicrous and uninformed which just takes a lot of the impact out of their scenes. These here lower this one somewhat over the positives.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity, sex scenes and drug use.

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I typically try to stray away from horror films (or any films for that matter) that came out after the year 2000, but out of boredom and a newfound need to watch every slasher I can get my hands on I picked this one up on the cheap in the used section. It actually exceeded my expectations by a lot."Shredder" is a throwback to the classic slasher formula of the 1980's. The kills are inventive and the gore plentiful, and the characters, particularly Cole, have plenty of one liners to go around. I've realized a lot of post-00's movies of all genres incorporate "bro humor" (see Dane Cook) as a way to reach the mind numbed masses that are watching them. In a roundabout, twisted way this actually is funnier to me than well thought out humor, if only because it tries so hard... Or maybe I'm actually just a "bro"..."Shredder" doesn't have the most convoluted of plots, but the fast pacing and entertaining characters make up for it. Although, if you too have seen way too many slasher films, it should be easy for you to pinpoint the killer pretty quickly before the final revealing. The last ten minutes or so are excellent, albeit extremely over the top.I must say though, I would have substituted more nudity, particularly of the MAIN ACTRESS for some of the gore if need be. I mean, what is a slasher flick with only one set of knockers anyway?! Not enough if you ask me...All in all, "Shredder" is a very entertaining way to spend 90 minutes, and I would recommend it to anyone into the golden age of slashers. This is a very fine throwback that never takes itself too seriously, but still delivers the death and stalker elements I so crave.

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I am in the process of writing a screenplay for a horror film, which in all honesty will probably get an instant ban in the UK cos it's gonna contain some seriously censor-annoying material in it. To put it bluntly there will be, amongst many other things, graphic rape, sodomy and kiddie killing which is what i know to go on in real life but has, as far as i know, never been tackled in mainstream media (to any graphic detail). I am in no way a sicko (I have two young daughters myself, aged 1 and 3 years old, I am prepared to film anything with full parental cooperation,child would be on set when the filming takes place), i am just interested in writing/directing/starring in my own production, i feel this film will be absolutely nothing like what has ever been shown in or underground (save for so called snuff) cinema worldwide.Now to my point, I would love the serial killer (Candace Moon) from this film to be a murder victim in the film i end up producing - she would ultimately end up being (cinematographically raped and having her throat slashed), i know this is a long shot, but if she were to be in it then it might just be a good thing to happen ! What I would really like to include in the film is the cast members from films who have been killers to end up as completely random victims in this film i an thinking of doing. I'm only suggesting Candace cos i thought she should have had a few more lines to say in this film. Another potential victim could be the actress Felissa Rose, the killer in the first Sleepaway Camp film.If anybody else has thought of this idea, or thinks it might be cool to do such a thing, please contribute !

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No, not a film about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle's nemesis, but instead a rather lame slasher flick about a bunch of teens away together on a skiing trip. True to form, they start disappearing one by one, so which one of them is the killer? Not surprisingly, it ISN'T the most obvious suspect. Add some buxom beauties for T & A purposes, a bit of blood here and there and a few minor jump scenes, and you've got yourself a direct-to-video hit. Who cares if the acting is school nativity level and 95% of the movie is just boring talk? The budget is so minuscule that if just the people in the bus queue rented it, it would still make a nice profit. But at what cost? An hour and a half of your life. Personally, I value my free time more than that. You should too. 1/10

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