Strange Illusion
Strange Illusion
| 31 March 1945 (USA)
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An adolescent believes that his widowed mother's suitor may have murdered his father.

Kattiera Nana

I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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Very Cool!!!


There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.

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A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.

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Possibly director Ulmer's worst movie. I simply can't understand the bizarre raves for this terrible picture. People go on about it as if it were made by Hitchcock! The plot is obvious, there is no suspense, it's fast=paced yet still manages to be tedious, Everyone knows what's going on practically from the first so there are no surprises. Inspired by Hamlet? Give me a break! As for the acting, Lydon is okay and Warren William is wasted.

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Rainey Dawn

Well, I feel this one was geared more towards the teenagers and young 20-somethings for the time era with a message of "don't take people at face value" (a conversation between Paul and his friend Dr. Vincent explains it fairly well). Even though it's geared for a younger audience of the 1940s it's still a pretty good film to watch - nothing special but fun to watch.I will agree with others that the film's music is a bit too loud - it sometimes muffles the voices of actor's which is not good. There are times they do that in films as we are not suppose to hear what they are saying but in this case we are suppose to hear them and can but not as clearly as we should due to the music in a couple of scenes... but that does not spoil the plot/story.I like this film for some reason - maybe even more than I should for personal reasons.6.5/10

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This is a textbook on how not to get away with a crime. All the people in this movie are preposterous. The efforts made by the bad guys are so over the top and convoluted and use so much energy to get what they want, things fizzle and go out long before the end of the movie. Then there's that stupid dream. Why did he have that dream? Did he have real mental problems? Lydon is so calculating. Why can't he give people a straight answer. This is really Oedipul as well. He does have fixation on his mother (the call her the Princess). The crook has a big face and a pencil thin mustache. Anyone could have told the widow that this is a bad combination. Finally, there's that stupid malt shop talk and the way the kids interact with one another. The funniest scene in the movie is when Jimmy is talking to his friend, the Doc, and his buddy is trying to tell him something. They didn't say anything about him being deaf in his right ear. Don't get me going.

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Although I would hesitate to call it "film noir," Strange Illusion is a tightly woven, intriguing mystery. For a Poverty Row production, the writers and Ulmer paced the film well and kept it interesting. The acting, although amateurish at times, doesn't distract from a believable story. My only real complaint about the film is the music-- too much and too loud.Brett's penchant for teenage girls is a refreshingly realistic perversion for a film of the '40s. It also stands in stark contrast to the "gee whiz" scenes which seem lifted straight out of "Leave It to Beaver."I rate it 7/10.

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