Strange Lady in Town
Strange Lady in Town
NR | 12 April 1955 (USA)
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Julia Garth, a female doctor, plans to introduce modern techniques of medicine to old Santa Fe in 1880, but is opposed by an established doctor, Rourke O'Brien.


one of my absolute favorites!


Film Perfection


The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.

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Griff Lees

Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.

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This movie is truly awful. The dialogue and events are plodding clichés. I will watch just about anything - I am not picky. But I've seen better stories written by 14-year- olds.Even Harlequin Romance would not have bought this dreck on their worst day. Great actors Garson and Andrews were given nothing to work with here. There was no logic for Andrews random cliché barking love/hate attitudes towards the entirely passive female played by Garson. We kept expecting the "forced kiss to put her in her place" trope. We kept watching in hopes the movie would get better.It didn't.EDIT: I also kept watching expecting to see a closeup of my beloved Garson's face. They never did one. Not ONE. That's when I realized she must have been deemed "old" in Hollywood's eyes. :-(

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Low marks for too many reasons.. Mis-casting all around..plodding and talky at times..with unbelievable dialogue from top to a person (in this case a woman doctor) can move from Boston to Santa Fe,New Mexico and expect things to be socially the same as in Boston is beyond belief and not try to adapt to her surroundings or new customs..Dana Andrews and Greer Garson sparring continuously and he supposedly falling for her enough to propose marriage..-and still be squabbling beyond the proposal..Dane Clark as a third-rate Cavalry officer (Greer's brother) very fancy clothes to wear in the southwest..but this was Hollywood..and this was not well done..some will say this was a good performance or this was a unique story.. I wish this was the case..but a poorly written script cannot coax a superb performance from A list just sounds contrived and in itself, the story-telling is dis-jointed and badly directed..regardless of what you may want to believe..this movie is contrived and not worthy of a viewing..unless you feel sorry for the cast..

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While not a classic, a truly enjoyable film with a favorite star of mine, Greer Garson. Dana Andrews is also a fine actor and plays his part with convincing sincerity. Mitchell is also a fine actor but does seem to be acting, more so than Greer Garson or Dana Andrews. The Billy the Kid segment is a bit over the top, but OK. The young lady is GREAT!Wish I had been able to see more of her. The theme song is a fine one. Frankie Lane never acquired the acclaim he should have had, either. However, it was evidently a forgettable tune, but one I know by heart. Dana Andrews is a doctor, soured on life since the death of his wife. He is raising a daughter, while being the only M.D. in a small village, in the old west. Into town drives Greer Garson. A brilliant woman who has studied medicine in Europe and has several new techniques to try to update the staid, older doctor. Sparks fly and so do the tempers.

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Somewhat noneventful tale of a woman doctor in 1880s Santa Fe. She tames local doc Andrews, but her brother (Mitchell) turns out to be a bad seed. The best thing about this film is Lois Smith's gamine performance as Andrews' daughter -- very cute and pretty nice performance.

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