R | 01 November 1972 (USA)
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Superbeast Trailers

A doctor finds a jungle laboratory, complete with mad scientist and genetic engineering experiments


Fresh and Exciting


I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.

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It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.

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Maleeha Vincent

It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.

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I can't tell you just how awful this film was, words can barely describe the shear incompetence of the filmmakers here.The long and short of it is that a man escapes from the jungles in the Philippines, goes on a rampage on an airplane, and during his rather graphic autopsy, they find something troubling.A cute doctor travels to where he came from, only to find herself going over a waterfall after long and pointless canoing scenes. I should point out we are going to see a lot of that here, where about 30 minutes of plot points are stretched out over 90 minutes of film.She meets a mad scientist who is trying to cure violent behavior with drugs, because it was the 1970's and people thought drugs could cure everything, and his buddy the rich hunter who hunts down all his failed experiments. Except the lead actress's affect is so flat you can't really tell what her reaction is to any of this. She objects, I guess.The movie ends in some odd scene where the scientist is tricked into drinking his own formula and regresses into a cave man and goes on a pointless rampage because they had another 30 minutes to fill.Ugh. Avoid at all costs.

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YOU WILL BE AMAZED WHEN...the airplane leaves from 1 airport and lands at another.village ppl,from an village plaqued by evil spirits,WALK (yes walk not run)out of said village.the 2 doctors take an canoe trip down the river,then land the canoe to spend the night on the bank. THEN,after waking up,finish their canoe trip.both doctors go over an waterfall, killing the male doctor.after being rescued,the female doctor gets dressed. THEN comes out of her room,IMHO the most interesting part of the movie, WEARING the same clothes as the doctor in the clinic she woke up in.the superbeast is just an guy that according to his face has an bad case of gas.

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Do not see this movie. It is by all means the worst movie I have ever seen. Bad Acting, bad writing, bad lighting, bad everything. Nothing happens until the last twenty minutes and then you wish even that hadn't happened. If people were suck, this movie would be china. It is a horrid black whole that no human being should endure. Not even chemical help can make this movie tolerable.

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An unbelievably awful movie, potentially the worst thing I have ever seen. I can´t believe I actually took the time to comment on it. Perhaps I am in a state of shock. I would advise potential viewers to give this a definite miss.

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