Survival Run
Survival Run
R | 01 February 1980 (USA)
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A group of teenagers drive out into the desert in search of sex, beer, and general good times. When their van breaks down, they find a group of prospectors who welcome the kids and offer them a place to stay until they can get help. It soon becomes evident, however, that there is more to these prospectors than they claim, and soon the teens are fleeing for their lives.


Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,

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I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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Ariella Broughton

It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.

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One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

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Six horny teenagers decide to spend one weekend on the desert of California.After damaging their van they stumble into a band of drug traffickers camped out in a small valley.The fight for survival begins..."Survival Run" by Larry Spiegel is a pretty enjoyable survival flick that after appearing on VHS vanished into obscurity.The first half of the film is quite cheesy and dull,fortunately the second half is more exciting and mean-spirited.Peter Graves and Ray "Frogs" Milland are playing great villains and there is very impressive motorcycle chase.The characters are badly-written and the soundtrack is spectacularly terrible including ""We are young/ We are free/ Anyone know a better place to be?/ Takin' it easy/ My baby and meeeee...."7 drug traffickers out of 10.

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A not half bad chase/survival thriller concerning six easygoing California teens on a cross country fun trek who run afoul of a lethal drug dealer gang led by suave, assured, laid-back smoothie Peter Graves and cranky, severe, uptight old bastard Ray Milland when their van breaks down in the middle of the desert. Larry Spiegel's snappy direction keeps the compact narrative zipping along at a reasonably punchy tempo, keeping exposition to a bare minimum, staging the action scenes with praiseworthy vigor (there's an especially stirring and well-mounted motorcycle chase towards the end of the movie), and creating a fair amount of gritty tension. Alex Phillips, Jr.'s slick cinematography makes expert use of expansive helicopter shots and sweeping pans, thus lending this tightly self-contained outing an unexpectedly substantial sense of scope and polish. The remote desert location is likewise finely utilized; it naturally evokes a feeling of grim hopelessness and utter desolation. Moreover, the dope peddlers are a suitably gross and scummy lot, with reliable old pros Graves and Milland making for a perfectly hateful pair of nicely contrasting head slimeballs (Graves in particular shines as a calmly malevolent jerk who hides his true pernicious nature behind a deceptively pleasant and polite veneer). The kids, who include "Hell Night" 's Vincent Van Patten, are a genuinely likable bunch. However, the film never fully develops the necessary hard, sleazy edge required to measure up as a complete trashy exploitation feature contender, but overall still makes for a satisfyingly brisk and efficient item just the same.

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I had the great [mis]fortune to find this on local tv at 3 in the morning this week - and what a treat! At those wee hours of the night, something like this becomes a surreal, dreamlike oddity instead of the bleeding ulcer it would seem in daylight hours. This is a film that is too bad even for MST3K - it makes its own laughs. Your jaw will drop at how absolutely bad - BAD - this things is, and poor Ray Milland is on hand, sleepwalking like Im Ho Tep through this mess. Actually, he just sits in a lawn chair and mumbles much of the time. There is an incredible moment halfway through where the director seems to have gone berserk, asking for all 5 of his protagonists to spout the entire range of tragic pathos: where the film has just had lazy, bad performances, at this point they seem to turn on a dime and try to re-enact scenes from The Trojan Women. It's unbelievable, and I honestly can't figure out how Graves and Milland ended up in it. They were frequently in bad movies, I know, but this is ridiculous! Amateur hour is too good for this, it seems like this was made by a bunch of junior high kids on a weekend. Check it out.

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DULL is the word to describe this lost little film made by a studio on poverty row. I'm surprised this had some airplay on TV, but that ain't the point! Boring would be another word to use. Yes, SURVIVAL RUN starts off with a 70s van that is soon going to crash into the deserted wasteland. The lucky teens survive, but fall victim to canyon drug smugglers where they cannot escape alive. Sounds like an exciting thrill, doesn't it? Nope! Not even the action elements would make this any better, which were kinda fun. Like other suspense-action movies of yesteryear, the plot was fair and simple: seeing good win over evil, which has recently become constantly boring this day in age. The lack of superior excitement and a basic plot drowns SURVIVAL RUN into the abyss. Thousands more action films like this one managed to be far better, but this title has easily been dated!

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