good back-story, and good acting
If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
View MoreThere are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
View MoreAmazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
View MoreCinema is the art of the photographic image as it slips away, failing to establish itself, and is given over to the death of the present and the rebirth of the moment. The motion picture that is conscious of the beauty of its own image, and the desire to maintain it, as a photograph or a sculpture might, will naturally dwell upon its subjects, yet with a gorgeous futility. The change from frame to frame is unavoidable, indeed part of the texture of the cinema, whether it arises from the wind, or the breath of the human subject, or the movement of the hand that washes the foot, or some faint tremor of the camera. This is an aesthetic of insatiate desire, and Fernando Trueba's THE ARTIST AND THE MODEL is its veritable model.I want to own his film, to be able to freeze its black-and-white images on my DVR and gaze on them at will... READ MORE:
View MoreThe Artist and the Model (2012)This is a movie, a poem, about the existence of beauty and meaning in art, and in the life of an artist. in France during WWILThis is an impossible subject for any movie—it demands too much be spelled out. The more obtuse, abstract, and indirect it is the better. Luckily that's where this movie tries to go. Where it fails is when it specifies its ideas. It sometimes states its wisdom. There is another better movie somewhere—not yet made—that could touch these ideas and imbue them with fullness without making it concrete. That one is the masterpiece.In a way the fact I'm talking about this is proof that something happens here. It's a gorgeous, thoughtful movie. The old—very old—sculptor finds a young—very young— model and seems to come to life again. And in his work in these last years he finds something deep and lasting, or seemingly so. The model, in her own naive way, is actually more enriched than he is by all of this, and we see her enlightenment in small ways, even if on some level she doesn't care, not in the way the artist does. But the artist is the center of things here, in a brilliant performance. His work, what they show of it in the movie (I speak as an artist and art historian), is pathetic and weak, and in a way that's an achilles heel here—-his huge inspiration is just another cemetery sculpture, nothing much after all. Maybe that's the hidden intention, but I don't think so. The film is a gorgeous, simple black and white widescreen filming that is perfect for the material. The plot is simple—there are just a couple of interesting interruptions to the model and the artist working and growing together. At the end of the day and the end of life for the old man, it all presses on us as we watch—hence the pathos. One of the stars is the French countryside itself—the olive oil on bread, the light through the trees. In a way it's a poem to a perfect existence, as much as life allows on this small planet.See this? It really depends. It's a patient movie—requiring patience, as well. But it's beautiful and warm. And the acting is excellent. The torch is passed. The war is ending. Hope has some kind of connection to the profound, and the understanding that life is more than just the day's needs.
View MoreFirst off, there is a lot of nudity. Though mostly it is not sexualized nudity (if you dismiss a bit of voyeurism that will be going on at some point). But it's necessary, because in this case if is there to prove a point. Actually to show us the view/take on things by the main male character, who is a sculptor (mainly).There is different takes on life and what it can portray or what it is. There is also a spin on the Adam and Eve story here (which might be too on the nose and a comparison the movie itself does not shy away from). The actors are really good and the movie has a nice pace, even if at first you're not sure where it's all heading. And it's in black and white, like the poster suggest and surely the trailer is showing too ;o)
View More... director Joseph Guzman's controversial 2010 consideration of similar themes to those dealt with by Fernando Trueba in THE ARTIST AND THE MODEL, the latter movie tries its best, mixing together nude models, Nazis, and at least one gun key to its plot. A tad more contemplative than the former flick, MODEL centers on multiple love triangles. There's Mr. Artist's one-time nude model, who's aged into a different perspective, and her relationship with her husband's latest unclothed muse. On top of that, there's the pyramid formed by the artist, his most recent Au Naturel poser chick, and the mysterious wounded guy who turns up in the woods. Finally, there's this said sculptor, his Nazi biographer, and the kraut's adjutant--just try to figure out how this trio fits together. With a passel of voyeuristic school kids thrown in for good measure, perhaps Trueba has bitten off more than he chews. I, for one, find his gun violence LESS pleasing than that contained in the NUDE NUNS flick.
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