The Brave Seven
The Brave Seven
| 04 March 1936 (USA)
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Six polar explorers arrives to a remote island in Arctic for a year-long scientific expedition. When their ship departs, they unpack only to find a young stowaway, who romanticized Arctic heroes, and tried to join them on multiple occasions finally succeeding. That's how six became seven. Life of polar explorers is tough, and full of danger. During one year they are largely isolated from the mainland, and should survive using their resourcefulness, smarts, knowledge, and existing supplies with occasional unreliable radio communications. The Seven are resilient, cheerful, they forged a true friendship. Now they are ready to face the unforgiving Arctic.


Purely Joyful Movie!


I gave this film a 9 out of 10, because it was exactly what I expected it to be.

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Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

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Sameer Callahan

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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The Russian title of this film (which is faithfully given in transcription in the IMDb entry as Semero Smelykh) is Семеро Смелых-- which actually comes out "Seven Brave People" (or Seven Brave Ones, or perhaps The Seven Who Were Brave, if you want to get arty). In any case, there's no mention of men as such in it, so all of North Wales can relax on that score.To call the film "propaganda" is not so much inaccurate as marveling at the obvious: no Soviet film of the period (or indeed any period) could be made *and* released for public consumption without passing several stages of official review, much of which -- and especially under high Stalinism -- was political in nature. Thus nothing that was not perceived as serving certain state ends (or the ends of certain powerful individuals/agencies within the state) could show up on Soviet screens. And much that *did* show up, naturally, contained a propaganda quotient far beyond the level of BEARABLE to a non-Soviet audience.This film was Sergei Gerasimov's first as director-- and certainly not his best. Take a look, by way of contrast, at his version of Sholokhov's "Tikhii Don" ("and Quiet Flows the Don", 1958) or his last film, "Tolstoy (1984), in which he cast himself as the eponymous writer."Seven Brave, er, Individuals" is, in any case, endowed with good location segments and occasionally reaches an admirable level of tautness in the characters' problem-solving. So it can boast a watchability factor, if you will, rather higher than many of its contemporaries-- and evidently achieved a re-watchability factor to match, for that matter, as its creditable IMDb viewer rating attests.

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F Gwynplaine MacIntyre

One of the 'men' in 'Seven Brave Men' is a woman: in fact, she's the medical officer in the story's expedition. This movie is Soviet propaganda, so I suspect that the gender evasion in the title is intentional ... to show that men and women are all equal in the workers' paradise, comrade, da? Having visited the Soviet Union pre-glasnost, I'm very sceptical about such symbolism. The majority of the physicians in the USSR were female, and the propaganda officers always presented this statistic to the outside world as proof of the (supposedly) enlightened status of women under communism. But in fact, medical technology and hospital conditions under Soviet collectivism were so wretched that doctors did not have the exalted status in Russian society that they've enjoyed elsewhere, and to be a doctor in the USSR was largely perceived as drudgework. Job openings for physicians tended to be filled by women because, frankly, men didn't want the job.CONTAINS SLIGHT SPOILERS. The Soviet factories need tin, so a six-'man' expedition (including the female Dr Okhrimenko) have journeyed to the Siberian Arctic in search of lodes. While they're in the neighbourhood, they hope to indoctrinate the natives into the glories of collectivism. The leader of the expedition is handsome Captain Letnikov. En route, the merry crew discover that they've acquired a stowaway: a Tintin-like youth named Moliboga. Why anyone would stow away on a vessel to the Arctic is beyond me. The sound recording in this film is bad, and I had difficulty following the Russian dialogue -- even with the assistance of a Ukrainian native who watched the film with me -- but apparently Moliboga is meant to be a teenager, even though the actor playing the role seems a bit older. Teenage Moliboga is straight away put to work as the expedition's cook. (A galley slave?) For purposes of this movie, he also fulfils the role of commie relief, I mean comic relief. I hope his cooking skills are adequate, because he isn't very funny. Anyway, he's now the seventh man of the title.The expedition's pilot, Bogun, accidentally damages an important piece of equipment ... leading to much dialogue as to how he has let down the nation's noble cause, and set back the latest five-year plan, and such. Eventually, he redeems himself when some other members of the expedition are stranded by bad weather. (Who'd have thought there'd be bad weather in the Arctic?)The exteriors in this film are impressive, and I get the impression that these scenes were indeed filmed in Siberia or at least in the extreme northern Soviet territory. (Not that I would know; I've never been there.) The actors' foreshortened shadows and their condensed breath make it quite clear they're in near-polar latitudes. We see some brief scenes of the native Eskimos or Inuit or Yupik, or whatever this week's Politically Correct designation is. Frankly, I can't understand why anyone would live in such a desolate region, especially in the days before modern technology. As if these people didn't have enough problems just being Eskimos, they're about to become something even more unfortunate: communist Eskimos.There are some exciting scenes of an avalanche and a blizzard. These look quite real, although I wouldn't have put it past the filmmakers to stage a genuine avalanche just to get the footage. Several times, the wind blows snowflakes directly onto the camera lens, reminding us that we're watching actors in a movie.The woman doctor is played by Tamara Makarova: from the looks of her, she doesn't seem to be related to the very beautiful ballet dancer Natalia Makarova (whom I've seen in the free world after she defected from the USSR). Interestingly, the filmmakers establish this character as a Ninotchka-like Soviet woman -- all brisk efficiency, with no room for emotion or love -- and yet, at the very end of the film, she confers a kiss upon one of her male crewmates. Within the context of this stolid unemotional movie, this is presented as a moment of very torrid passion indeed. I'll rate this movie 4 points out of 10. Now I know why it was called the Cold War.

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