Far from Perfect, Far from Terrible
Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
View MoreYes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
View MoreOk... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
View MoreMovie was ok.. didn't live up to its hype.. dissapointed
View MoreIf you've never read "The Dark Tower" series by Stephen King, then there's nothing to see here... move on and save yourself a couple of hours wasted. If you ARE a fan, move away FASTER. STINKYPOO!!!!!! I like Idris, but he is horrifically miscast as Roland. Turns out it matters little, as the script failed to capture an iota of the size and majesty of the story itself. Would not even qualify as a "Reader's Digest" version.
View MoreGood acting and an interesting premise that flows well and doesn't really spoonfeed. It's not deep and you can kinda see where it's going, but it gets there nicely.It could use a few more scenes, though, to explain the world a little (like, what's the bad guy's deal?) and some more gunslinger in New York moments. But overall, good movie. Pity it bombed.
View MoreGranted, I have not read the books from Stephen King, but I am familiar with them as I used to work in a bookstore. I was looking forward to watching the adaptation of the novels here, and was expecting quite the unique experience."The Dark Tower" had a good story, albeit somewhat shallow in comparison to what I have heard about the novels from friends who read them.They had a good cast, whom did indeed put on great acting performances in bringing out their characters on the screen.One of the major things that kept "The Dark Tower" afloat for me was some really nice CGI and special effects throughout the entire movie.Wonderful connection to "IT" (Pennywise) and good tie-in with The Shine ability from "The Shining", if you are familiar with those from other works of Stephen King.All in all, then "The Dark Tower" was a tad above mediocre end result that could have been so much more. It just felt shallow and superficial, and it was definitely like they were in a rush to get through it. Which was a real shame, because it was painstakingly obvious throughout the entire movie, and it definitely served as an anchor holding it back.
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