The Demoniacs
The Demoniacs
| 01 June 1977 (USA)
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A gang of pirates rape the two sole survivors of a ship wreck. The violated girls are rescued by the strange inhabitants of a supposedly haunted island, where they are granted supernatural powers to strike revenge against the pirates.

Perry Kate

Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!

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Memorable, crazy movie


Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

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All that we are seeing on the screen is happening with real people, real action sequences in the background, forcing the eye to watch as if we were there.

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A group of shipwrecked sailors brutally rape two young woman and the woman re-emerge after making a pact with the devil to get their revenge.More of the same from Jean Rollin. The music is improved here, but the plot makes practically no sense. Some people have tried to defend the film by saying it should be seen as an "art" film. Rollin does indeed have a unique view of art.If you want to see more of the same nude women and pointless sex scenes, this is for you... but as far as plots go, this is not one of Rollin's stronger films. But it does have a clown... so, I guess that might be good?

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I caught this movie tonight on the late Horror channel - and I was transfixed by it's dreadfulness! I simply haven't seen anything as bad - and I've seen some howlers in my time.The only redeeming feature was the occasional beautiful landscape and the moody ruins. Apart from them - and the comedy factor - nothing.The story is - well - there isn't one.The acting - acting? - is totally beyond comprehension. The cast seemed to have no idea of what the words they were speaking meant.It's not a total loss - it's really laughable. If there are a few of you wanting a late night hoot - watch it! In future I will avoid any film by Jean Rollin like a toothache.

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Hell, it's even worse than Rollin's later film TWO ORPHAN VAMPIRES (1997), and that's pretty bad. The only redeeming thing about this film is looking at luscious Joelle Coeur's naked body. She did a few other unremarkable films in the 1970s and then promptly disappeared. Coeur couldn't act worth a damm, but she sure was great to look at.Anyway, two blond-haired girls are shipwrecked on shore and are raped and murdered by the scavengers who lured their ship up on the rocks with lights. There's just a lot of rolling around on the ground and it didn't look very violent to me.Their spirits make a pact with the devil(?) who doesn't even look like a devil in some old church ruin near the shore. There's also a mime or woman in a clown suit who serves no purpose at all.The story is flaccid and hackneyed, the acting is awful (the worst I've ever seen for a French film), and the sets are too bright. There's nothing scary or interesting going on at all except for Tina (Joelle Coeur) taking off her clothes and prancing around nude all the time. Oh yes, she has a soft-core sex scene with the lead scavenger captain (John Rico) who looks old enough to be her father.It has all the feel of a bad Jess Franco film. Terrible.1 out of 10

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This film was garbage. plain and simple. It did not have the gore to make up for its weak story line. It did not have enough sex to make up for its lack of gore. There was not enough nudity to shock in place of gore and sex....YIKES!I guess I am twice as bitter, because i bought this DVD sight unseen. It does not even have any camp value. The closest thing i can compare it to is an ABBA video gone horribly awry.

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