Save your money for something good and enjoyable
It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
View MoreYour blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
View MoreThis is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
View MoreI have to admit there were some good elements to this movie, mainly the cinematography. The architecture of the house was amazing; I wonder where they found it. But the script- after wondering a while what happened to it, I finally surmised that much of it was either written as they filmed or it was ad-libbed in parts,and not very well. The actress that played Laura was very easy on the eyes but her little girl voice was a bit distracting. The dialog was so bad that most of the actors throughout the whole movie whispered their lines as if they were too embarrassed to speak them and the volume was so low that I couldn't understand most of it.I searched the internet for subtitles without any luck. This could have been a good movie but there were too many lost opportunities (a little more nudity would have been nice).
View MoreLet me explain or better elaborate: The camera and the lighting is pretty good, especially considering the budget frame this was (probably) made. And I say probably, but it's obvious from the CGI effects that they did not have a lot of money to make the movie. The actors either got bad directions though or were convinced they are in a play. Too much gestures and sometimes wrong gestures too.So while it looks good (and has some nudity in it too), it is not looking good in the other departments. Missed opportunities, script wise and a lot of other things too. It is also too long for its own good. The end twist is nice, but does not safe the movie at all. Plus it's overall predictable as expected ...
View MoreI personally found this movie to be boring and very predictable. It comes off as being very amateur in most every respect possible. The movie is full of Very bad visual effects (blue filters for night scenes and what looks like a pencil drawn sky) , predictable plot lines, and very embarrassing acting make this movie not worth watching. I wouldn't recommend this movie unless you are very bored or need something to be put on the background while you work.There are some subtle nude scenes (breasts and underwear), no swearing, very little gore and some poor attempts at "creepy"It is asking me for 10 lines and there is not that much more I can really say about this movie.
View MoreI'm really surprised by this movie. It is 'bad' in many aspects, but is also really WTF worthy. The cinematography is really quite good. There are completely amazing scenes and then... it gets 'bad' again (e.g. contrived, writing, etc.). Still, the thing is, every time the movie gets 'bad' all of a sudden there's a completely WTF scene and I'm amazed.I have to say that I have not recently come across a movie that is so bad and good at the same time. It's almost schizophrenic. I recommend a watch/rent. There may be genius here. Also it's entertaining which is more than I can say for most crappy big-budget movies lately. I haven't watched the end yet, but hopefully it wraps up all this craziness.Edit: I'm sort of convinced that this is a brilliant film disguised as a bad movie. I'm not sure what I'm watching, which is impressive. It's really weird. I'm going to say that this is a great flick that may someday achieve cult status.
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