The Ganzfeld Haunting
The Ganzfeld Haunting
| 17 July 2014 (USA)
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In a world where past meets present and the present gets lost in time, reality is blurred for 5 College psychology students who are pushing all boundaries during an ESP experiment over a lost weekend...


what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.

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The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.

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Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.

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This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama

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Destroyer Wod

Part 1 of my review is spoiler free, then part 2 have spoilers and i warn you when they start, so if you want spoiler free just read the first part.I always loved Taylor Cole, ever since i saw her for the first time as a teen in that show call Summerland. I dunno, i had a major crush on her at the time and since she has not done that much over the years, especially in the type of movies or TV shows i like...well when i stumble across a movie where she is present a lot (unlike The Green Hornet where i didn't even knew she was in until i read her name) i have to watch it.Thats why i watched that cheap slasher flick called April's Fool Day which was pretty bad and today this one. Oh what can i say about this movie? Well its about some kind of experiment that supposed to be link to paranormal, and then some ghost elements are thrown into the mix. Sadly the movie fail on every level. The plot is incoherent and boring, the movie is not even scary what so ever. The set and cinematography is so low budget it can't come close to scare anybody, either with atmosphere or jump scares. The music is also pretty bad for the few there is...It consist mainly of the cast sniffing coke during the entire movie, to a point where even Tony Montana would had been impressed. After a start with some potential there is a sexy scene where the girls danced in there underwear and start making out that literally change the whole thing for the worst, believe it or not. Now i don't want to look ungrateful, Taylor and Rummer in there underwear for the majority of he movie sound pretty good at first, but thats like the only redeeming factor of the movie. Don't expect nudity tough, there is nothing visible.Spoiler ahead. Spoiler ahead !!!! The rest have Spoilers !!Oh well i wanted to write this review spoiler free, but never mind i will just click the box and say it. When the sexy scene happen, the movie become just a continuity of Rummer walking naked in the house, Taylor receiving oral sex and an incoherent mess of a story trying to cram itself into it. It try to somehow be clever, as in does Taylor's character is the one killing them, is this in her head, does they die of overdose, does there really the ghost of her long lost forgotten murdered sister, well we don't know. We got a scene at the end with Dominic Purcell making a cameo that pretty much explain they either died of asphyxia or the drugs. Even tough we see Taylor's character stab one of the dude, his body is not bloody or anything when the cops discover it. So as the audience we tend to go with the police reasoning, but then the "ghost" of the sister still voice over to the end credit... it kinda try to make us doubt. The problem is the way its presented. The movie barely kept me in with the sexy parts, and i think most of the budget got to the girls paycheck. The rest is uninteresting.I think it sum everything up. I am not asking to watch a masterpiece of a movie when i watch something for Taylor. I would be satisfied with a college humour flick or something like that. But this movie barely escape the "ridiculously bad low budget" on the sole reason the blood parts are almost non existent except a couple rare scenes. Still does not save it from a mess of a story and cheap sets.

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Four students are working on their final psychology project for class. They are Becket (apparently a girl's name)- the nerdy girl, Eliot- the nerdy guy in charge of the technology, Graves- a jerk, and Lucky- a girl jerk who thinks she's hot but isn't. They chose to do a parapsychological Ganzfeld experiment in an old abandoned house with a furnace problem that belongs to Becket's family. In the Ganzfeld experiment as performed by them, a receiver is placed in a room with a red light wearing white goggles and headphones that play white noise. In another room is the sender and everyone else. Pictures of playing cards are randomly presented on a screen, the sender articulates the kind of card and tries to send the image of the card mentally to the receiver who is then supposed to receive the communication telepathically and make it become visible on screens in the other room.For the first 30 minutes these people just bicker and give each other a hard time. Lucky immediately pulls out a bag of cocaine and she and Graves do nothing but snort it. Initially not much happens with the experiment, but then Graves as a receiver sees and hears his father, and also some little girl. Next Becket takes the seat as a receiver and she starts seeing and hearing all sorts of nasty things including a murder, she writes down the word "sisters" on a paper and it freaks out everybody because they are seeing the images on screen. She calls her mom to confirm that she doesn't have any sister because now she has a feeling that the girl that's appearing is her sister indeed. The mom confirms she has no sisters but isn't very convincing.At this point most movies would have continued in this vein, with things going downhill and becoming bloody. Instead here, now with everybody freaked out they start drinking, smoking pot, doing coke. Becket and Eliot lose their inhibitions and she starts fooling around with Lucky in a fairly erotic scene, which could be even hotter had they cast someone else as Lucky. But when things are getting interesting, the creepy girl interrupts things. Again everybody freaks out. They do more drugs. Becket finally hooks up with Eliot. She then goes back to the receiver room and sees a revelation. Turns out that these 4 were friends as kids already. Well, there were 5 if we include Becket's sister who was murdered. And the surprise is who killed her and why. Naturally she flips out. In the morning the cops arrive.By the reviews and scores on IMDb you would think this movie is the worst. And things don't start out well. There are some editing problems initially and I just can't stand watching a group of people confined in a small space screaming at each other. But it manages to turn itself around and improve. Granted, to make use of time they give us tons of repetitive scenes of the kids taking cocaine. They should have focused a bit more on the girl, and the childhood scenes instead. Acting is good all around. Taylor Cole is lovely and it's great to see her in a sexy role. Direction is very good. This movie could easily have been a complete disaster. Movies that stick just to people going crazy without any interesting reality outside their minds make for awful movies. But the fact that it goes beyond just the madness and gives us some reality, namely the lives of them as kids and the murder years ago makes it far more interesting. Some questions remain after it's all over. And usually that doesn't work for me. But here it does because it's not like we are given no explanation for what happened, instead we get several possible explanations or a combinations of them. Was it the drugs, was it a gas leak, both perhaps that account for what happened? This movie got me involved, starting with the erotic scenes and even the psychological aspect was very well done. The movie looks and sounds very good. While it does have the usual jarring sounds and editing at times, they could have gone with the usual bleak gray/blue look as so many do, instead they went with natural saturated colors which don't remove the audience but involves it instead. Overall this movie is a success despite what others here claim.

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Michael 'Hallows Eve' Smillie

Well, after seeing the trailer for this, I was hoping it would be at least decent - well I was wrong. Rumer Willis is almost naked from the start, which in my opinion she didn't need to be. Yes she has a good body, but her acting ability isn't that good. There's a lot of clichés in the film, girl kisses girl, scantily dressed women, a sex scene, and plot clichés to boot. Don't get me wrong, almost nude women isn't a bad thing, but in the right context. When the story line doesn't need it, then don't do it (although some classic horror uses it a lot, the operative word here being "classic", this will never be). The plot is quite weak, they use an actual experiment name in the title to hook people in, but the film didn't really need it as the plot could have been about a group of young people who go to a house to see if there are ghosts there. But I guess they were trying to make it "original", yet they failed. Very disappointed by this movie. All I can give it is 1 out of 10.

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d b

This movie had about 20 minutes worth of potential substance, padded with 60 minutes of absolutely useless filler. It starts out with some kids attempting some kind of ESP experiment in a seemingly abandoned house. For a while I thought it had potential, but quickly realized I had made a grave miscalculation. Right from the get go we are thrust into the middle of the story with no explanation or background given whatsoever. After about 20 minutes of throwing random images and dialog at the viewer in hopes of building up a creepy and mystic atmosphere (scenes of the first stages of the experiment) I guess the producers were like "ok well dang...that's all we got" and then scrambled to find another hours worth of footage to use so they could call this a film. The bulk of the remainder of the movie is softcore porn and nonstop shots of people doing cocaine. Like, they literally do at least 50 lines of coke in the span of one day. After a few minutes of this it becomes painfully obvious that the concept of a film has been thrown out the window in favor of endless cheap sleaze. The majority of the film felt like a clichéd, unimaginative music video without direction (oh, they even play some really annoying dubstep for a while over unnecessary scenes of partying). Ultimately there is NO point to this movie whatsoever and I have no idea why they even bothered to make it. No story, no character development, nothing. There are very few scenes which have anything to do with the supposed plot; most of which were comprised of choppy "visions", super cheesy ghost...sister...thing(still not sure what that was about and don't care enough to find out), and some convoluted voice-over meant to sound deep while attempting to mask the complete lack of genuine depth or plot. Do not waste your time unless you're just looking for footage of teens partying. The people in charge of this film (writer, director) need to move to another profession as they seem to have a gross lack of understanding as to what a movie is.

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