The Hidden Face
The Hidden Face
| 16 September 2011 (USA)
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A Spanish orchestra conductor deals with the mysterious disappearance of his girlfriend.


A different way of telling a story


The movie runs out of plot and jokes well before the end of a two-hour running time, long for a light comedy.

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Mabel Munoz

Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?

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One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

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Bliss Quest

I started watching this film a few years ago, and didn't finish it because my mind was saying, "There are only a few predictable scenarios here, so why bother!" And so I skipped it almost midway. I decided to give it a go again because I actually forgot I had seen it before, and I must say I was impressed all around. I gave the film 8 stars instead of 7 because of the ending, which is exactly why others may find it unsatisfying. A well written, and very plausible thriller, if you are patient enough to stick with it.

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Nigel P

If hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, then what happens when two women become the victims? This is either a horror film, a thriller, or the blackest of black comedies – and one that is impossible to discuss without a SPOILER warning. This film is much better watched if you don't know anything about it – equally, the trailer is better avoided too.Flirty maestro, conductor Adrián (Quim Gutierrez) is first seen in a state of great personal trauma when attractive waitress Fabiana (Martina Garcia) helps him find happiness again. Adrian's previous girlfriend has gone missing, and it is possible Adrian has murdered her. Meanwhile, Fabiana moves in to his magnificent rented home, owned by a German lady. Pretty soon, Fabiana hears strange sounds in the house and believes it to be haunted.Then, in flashback, we are told of his previous girlfriend Belén (Clara Lago), who suspects (rightly) that Adrian is having an affair with Veronica, a member of his orchestra. The German owner of the house lets her into a secret: the house has an undisclosed, sound-proofed room behind the bathroom mirror. The secret room was built in case her Nazi husband needed to hide during the war. To teach Adrian a lesson, and to see if he really does have another woman, Belen hurriedly decides to hide in this room and watch his activities through the one-way mirrors. In her rush, she leaves the key in the bedroom, and so is trapped, with no way of letting anyone know of her predicament.Seeing Belen having to watch Adrian grieve for her, and then take another girlfriend is dark humour indeed. Slowly, Fabiana realises what is happening but decides to leave Belen trapped – she doesn't want a rival. It is only when Fabiana suspects Adrian of having an affair (again with Veronica, which – ironically – he has ended by this time) does she open the secret room. Belen is waiting, and has a vicious revenge in mind … However this film is categorised, it is beautifully paced and written. It begins slowly – perhaps too slowly, but builds in interest. The acting is top-notch throughout – both Belen and Fabiana are both occasionally (and intentionally) irritating, which makes their slightly irrational actions so believable, whereas Fabiana, although flawed, is caught unknowingly between the machinations of them both.

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These Spaniards have proved more than once that they sure as hell know how to make a good movie. Once more, a movie of theirs turns out to be brilliant! The story starts abruptly but you get into it quite soon and with no problems. It contains more than one plot twists and it surely manages to keep you at the edge of your seat. Acting was brilliant on all sides involved and the setting, especially this amazing house was ideal. I am not going into any details about the plot or any spoiler of any kind, but I will say that this was the first movie after a long time that made me mad! For more than half an hour before the end, I was at the edge of my seat, rooting for my preferred ending, cursing and throwing stuff around each time something I did not like happened.I got into it completely, ignoring any rational thoughts (like, "chill dude, it's just a movie"). When a movie does that to you, then it's either a 9 or a 10, nothing less. This movie is a must-see of the few that exist out there. I loved the ending as well as the way in which it was reached... Just get your hands on it and watch it!

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Absolutely loved this movie. How do I know this? Because in parts I felt nauseated and slightly sick to the stomach with suspense. The desired effect I would say.I've been trying to think of another movie comparable with this one. Can't come up with it. Only one it slightly reminded me of, and I thought that would never ever happen, was the French masterpiece "L'Appartement" which had a similar mindbending way of suddenly completely changing the narrative. Maybe the later "La migliore offerta" but purely for the mystery, heartache and sheer beauty.This is what experiencing great movies is all about. Highly recommended 8/10

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