The Three Stooges
The Three Stooges
PG | 13 April 2012 (USA)
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While trying to save their childhood orphanage, Moe, Larry and Curly inadvertently stumble into a murder plot and wind up starring in a reality TV show.


Best movie of this year hands down!


Save your money for something good and enjoyable


Excellent adaptation.


A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.

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The Three Stooges, and their unique brand of slapstick humor, are an American comedy institution. The trouble is, you are either rolling on the floor laughing at them, or you think there material is the dumbest shtick in the world. If you fall into the latter category, stop reading this review now, as you will hate this movie with a flaming passion. If a Stooge appreciator or connoisseur, however, then this big-screen adaptation will have you short of breath once again!For a basic plot summary, this movie follows the head-slapping, hair-pulling, eye-poking adventures of Larry (Sean Hayes), Moe (Chris Diamantopoulos), & Curly (Will Sasso) as they try to raise money to save an orphanage. In typical Stooge fashion, they bumble around for awhile and engage in the sort of hijinks one would expect from the trio. Along the way, they run into the cast of the Jersey Shore, Moe becomes a famous reality star, and the gang even have to mend a relationship issue stemming from their collective past.This film is a rousing experience because it works on two (well, three, really) levels...1. It serves as an ode to the original Stooges. Though nothing will ever quite be the same as old Howard, Fine, & Howard, this movie captures their subtle nuances as best as humanly possibly. The original sound effects are used, the casting is spot-on (especially with could close their eyes in the theater and think it was Moe Howard himself), and the physical comedy is at its best. Besides the actors themselves, though, some of the plots, music, and camera-work itself honors the original shorts. The movie is split up into three "shorts", the music is the same cackling Stooges theme heard countless times throughout the ages, and some of the cut-aways feature easily-identified dummies being hurled or pummeled in obvious fashion (as happened frequently in the original slapped-together shorts).2. It is also a re-imagining of the Stooges for a new generation. Instead of re-treading the same old material, the Farelly brothers put the trio in today's time period, what with its similar Depression-era themes and new technological gadgets that befuddled the bumblers even further. The directors even add a bit of a backstory to the characters that actually works pretty well in the context of the overall plot. You can't say this film is utterly devoid of sense or emotion.3. Finally, in keeping with the hearty Stooges tradition, this movie is just plain funny! As a huge Stooge fan, I came into it with a healthy mixture of excitement and doubt. It vastly exceeded even my wildest expectations and had me belly-laughing throughout. Does every single scene work for everyone? Of course not. However, enough DO work to keep you yuking (or nyuking, if you will) it up for ninety minutes.Overall, the bottom line for this flick is this: If you enjoy Stooge-type humor, give this one a shot...I think you'll be glad you did! If you don't care for the slapstick style, than stay away or prepare to be bored. This is also a very child-friendly flick that can be enjoyed by literally all ages.

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mike DeF

I was entertained. I don't critic a movie from a snobby self righteous point of view. I laughed a lot and thought the actors did a great job. Sofia V. was great too. She is a talent. I thought the gents playing the stooges were great too. EspeciallyLarry as the voice was dead on. They all were goo. including the nuns and priests and villains. I would love to see a sequel. Again I am easily entertained and like most movies unless they are political opinions and propaganda films trying to push an agenda which now a good 10% of movies are today. I have seen this several times and it still makes me laugh. I have the connection as a kid to the stooges.

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Dalbert Pringle

*WARNING!* - *Possible Spoilers Ahead!* This film's first fatal mistake - Having The Three Stooges agree to kill someone. I don't care how this murder was justified, the original Three Stooges would never, ever, ever agree to commit an act of homicide. NEVER! There's nothing funny about murder.2nd fatal mistake - Showing The Three Stooges as children. This was pure nonsense and it wasted the first 15 minutes of this movie. And it was not funny.3rd fatal mistake - Filming the story in color and having it set in modern times was a grave error. It would have been so much more effective had the story been given a nostalgic, 1940's look.4th fatal mistake - No pie fights!!! This movie desperately cried out for a few custard-cream pies thrown into some very deserving faces. And, I'm sorry, but, the overlong scene of the pissing babies (though it was funny at first, but was carried on for far too long) didn't compensate for the thrill of seeing someone get a pie right in the kisser.5th fatal mistake - Having to endure a shirtless Peter Farrelly (writer/ director) at the end of the film, flexing and posing in the name of total conceitedness, while at the same time telling the viewer about the hazards of imitating the eye-pokes, face-slaps, etc., etc. that were seen in the film. Like, as though this self-loving poser cared. He just wanted a chance to display (hubba-hubba!) his over-developed pecs to us.6th fatal mistake - Not only did I find that there was no chemistry between the actors who played The Three Stooges, but, Moe didn't command and none of them understood anything about comic-timing (an essentially important element in any slapstick comedy situation).And, finally - 7th fatal mistake (phew!) - In regards to this picture in general - They say that imitation is one of the highest forms of flattery. This, in a sense, is quite true if the imitating is done out of real respect for its subject. And this was not the case here with The Three Stooges.These actors may have been doing their perceived "imitation" of the Stooges, but, it wasn't being done with any reverence or regard for the original Stooges. It was done in a very conceited and disrespectful manner.These actors gave me the clear impression that they thought what they were doing was actually improving on the original Stooges. And that, from my viewpoint, is a fatal mistake which is totally unforgivable.Personally, I think this film should've never been made. The Three Stooges should've just been left alone. And, that's the truth!

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By the time this film came out, I had not watched an original Three Stooges short in about 18 years. I did not remember the original Stooges being overly hilarious or ingenious and was not sure a PG-rated update would rewrite my recollections.But THE THREE STOOGES proved to be an amusing-enough ride. And we have the performances of the new Moe (Chris Diamantopoulos), the new Larry (Sean Hayes) and the new Curly (Will Sasso) to thank for that. With obvious affection for the original actors, and some obvious voice training, the new trio illustrate the subtle genius of the Stooges' shtick. For some reason, if done just the right way, whacking a guy in the head with a sledgehammer can still be chuckle-inducing in 2013.Directors Peter and Bobby Farrelly borrowed a page from THE BRADY BRUNCH MOVIE by injecting the Stooges into contemporary times. The approach works particularly well here since even the original Stooges never quite grasped the realities of the world of the 1930s, '40s and '50s that they encountered. The Stooges here are charmingly "pure of heart, dim of wit," to quote the new Larry.Just like the original Stooges shorts, THE THREE STOOGES is cohesively imperfect. One scene, involving peeing babies, attempts a gentle form of gross-out humor that feels just plain awkward. The Stooges' famous shtick -- the nose pinching, head bopping, toe crunching and hair yanking -- is at times gut-busting but wears a little thin as the hour-mark of this brief film approaches.If you hated the original Stooges, you will hate this movie. If you sort of liked them, you will sort of like this movie. If you loved them, you will find this to be a touching monument to those pioneers of comedy. Supposedly there will be a sequel, so we probably haven't seen the last of these guys just yet.

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