The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia
The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia
| 01 April 2009 (USA)
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Produced by Johnny Knoxville and Jeff Tremaine for MTV and Dickhouse Productions, The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia is a documentary about the renowned West Virginia outlaw Jesco White and his eccentric backwoods family. In addition to getting in trouble with the law, the Whites, who live deep within Appalachia, uphold a time-honored dancing style, even as they contend with poverty, drugs and other issues. Alternately humorous and sad, the movie is an unflinching look at life on the criminal margins of rural mountain culture.


Overrated and overhyped


Highly Overrated But Still Good

Usamah Harvey

The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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Taha Avalos

The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.

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I tuned into this in the middle and was captured so I had TiVo record the entire show. It looked a true reality doc. It was sad, funny, but all too real. Having been a photographer and traveled to many states I know that there are Whites in every city. You just need to turn over the right rocks.I enjoyed the doc but it stuns me how people like that continue to hold on to their kids. If you think we have become an entitlement country just watch the doc. It angers me that my taxes go to support people like the Whites who laugh in our faces. We should have more such docs and they should be shown to senate and congress. In the meantime, taxpayers should watch the documentary and let their voices be known.

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Normally I'd give this long, drawn out play by play review but I can't with this doc. I went into this expecting to be totally disgusted w/ this family, which, rightfully I was. At first. Not that I totally fell in love w/ them or anything but here's the thing... The freedom, the will to live and the love of family that we all wish (even if just subconsciously) we had...this is it. The good points in this movie are such that there really isn't anything I can say that won't totally ruin those moments for you. But if you're like me, tired of living the way this Country can sometimes force us to live..tired of being the poor or being the middle class that BB is drowning out...this is totally the movie for you. Now granted, I am not about to go out killing people nor would I care for a massive drug addiction to act as some form of psycho rebellion....I do admire the fact that this family...these "people" lived by their own rules, covered their own asses and well...somewhat accomplished the mild version of anarchy we all wish we could. At the risk of being vague...this is the best I can do. Emotions will run high, you will hate em, love em..then battle with what you should do more by the end. Totally enticing, entertaining, jaw dropping, utter and complete perfection. Limited commentary and mostly interviews and real footage. Best doc I've seen in quite some time. Next to American Movie of course :) *Disclaimer* The level of grammar in this flick could speak for itself, hahaha, just try to see past that whole...cluster f*** of dictionarial faux pas. (no, dictionarial is not a real word, but after this may think it is :)

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Steve Pulaski

I kept thinking while watching The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia, what would my initial reaction to this film be if I saw it a few years ago? I had a totally different outlook on life, and thought, if it's not like me it's clearly not right. When I watched the 2003 drama Party Monster, I reflected on the same thing I'm reflecting on now. Just because one's way of life is different, doesn't make it wrong.If the White family in this film is happy living the way they are, go ahead. I don't approve of it, but I'm mature enough to respect it. The film focuses on a famous outlaw family living in Boone County, West Virginia where lawlessness, shootouts, drugs, and rowdy-behavior isn't uncommon. It's not like the suburbs or the city, it's worse. Way worse.There are a number of characters in the White family. The most famous is D. Ray White's son Jesco White, a tap dancer who was the subject of the film The Dancing Outlaw. We see Mamie White as well, my favorite character, who is oldest daughter of the deceased outlaw D. Ray White. Mamie introduces some of the deceased members of the White family at the beginning of the film so we're brought up to speed.So many other characters are introduced as well like Sue Bob White, another daughter of D. Ray White who is trying to cope with her son's possible jail sentence. We also get the cousins/grandchildren of D. Ray White like Kirk White, a woman fighting to be clean and see her newly born child. All I can say is that this family is checkered and free as a bird.There is almost no discipline in their household. Everyone acts like a grown child, and no one thinks or even cares about the consequences of their actions. Nobody ever stops and thinks "why, or what?" They just do. Country musician Hank Williams III claims in an interview the reason the Whites, and many other people residing in Boone County are so crazy is because they all had something happen in their lives that was enough to scar them and just have a more rowdy look on life.Hank Williams III plays a big role in the White's life. He is almost like a saint or a God in them. They love his music. They dance to it, sing along to it, and pretty much rock out to it. I, myself, am a big Hank Williams III fan because I love his southern sound, and feel he is one of the few true country musicians around now. He is truly one of the best singers in the genre today.This is the kind of film that is odd, wacky, witty, dark, raunchy, and sometimes disgraceful, but you can't look away. You have to watch these people take life head on, not caring about the consequences. Truly, they are careless. Even when one of the Whites goes to rehab, you feel she is obligated to go rather than she wants to. She would much rather party-hardy, but instead must do the right thing.Johnny Knoxville and Jeff Tremaine serve as producers of this project. There is a sense of their Jackass style here. Every cut seems like it's missing "Hi, I'm "so-and-so" White and this is how we inhale fumes!" I like the style, and it's good to see there is a different direction stemming from the Jackass boys.The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia is one of those documentaries that is not filled with morals. The message is basic; "we do what we want, when we want, accept the consequences, whatever they me, and we embrace the fun we are about to have." I respect it, but still, am sort of disgusted by their way of life. It's interesting and unique, but they keep saying they want their kids to have a better life when they do nothing to put them on the right track.But them again, I'm a suburban boy. It's not like they care what I think. They're out having fun, and living life. How can we yell at them for that? Starring: The White Family. Directed by: Julien Nitzberg.

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This documentary is like a train's awful, it's ugly...but you can't stop watching. It really is mesmerizing....and I've never seen anything like it and it's sad that it's apparently true and the people in the film are so happy, proud and open about their completely sick and crazy lives. The movie follows the White family in West Virginia, an extended family that is about as trashy and worthless as any in the world...and a wonderful argument for retroactive euthanasia. I know that's horrible to say that, but watching this inter-generational family on their BEST behavior on camera is like the very, very worst families on "The Jerry Springer Show"---on crack. The White family's prison records, drug use, violence and ignorance is overwhelming to watch--it's just hard to imagine a clan like this being proud of themselves--and I could imagine this film being shown in various countries where they hate Americans so they could 'prove' how evil and decadent we really are! While the film is awful to watch, it has several qualities that I would consider important to a truly excellent documentary. First, the narration is minimal and lets the subjects themselves just talk...and talk...and talk. Second, the subjects are allowed to do or say whatever they want....and this seeming lack of direction is what makes it so compelling. Sad, sick and provocative...this is one to see.By the way, my timing for watching this film was amazing. I'd just watched "Idiocracy"--a film that warns us that this sort of family IS our future--especially as the ignorance and irresponsible seem to breed at a VERY high rate. Sad...very, very sad.

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