Treasure of Matecumbe
Treasure of Matecumbe
G | 01 July 1976 (USA)
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In post-Civil War Kentucky, young David Burnic becomes the unexpected heir to the family secret, a map leading to buried treasure on the Florida isle of Matecumbe.


Too many fans seem to be blown away


disgusting, overrated, pointless


There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes

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The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.

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I saw this film at the cinema as a boy in 1976 and then recently online. While older me wasn't quite as impressed with it as 10 year old me, I still found it to be an entertaining Disney style romp with charming characters like Dr. Snodgrass and over the top villains like Spangler (Not very villainy sounding I know.)It has that kind of 1960's/70's live action Disney charm and a bit of corniness thrown in. Buried treasure, Gators, Indian burial grounds, and other elements, make for an exciting adventure kids and adults will both enjoy. By the way. Yes there is a brief scene with people dressed as KKK. But they are treated as buffoons and morons.

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Although Treasure of Matecumbe is listed as a theatrical film, it seems that it plays more like a couple of episodes from The Wonderful World of Disney.The only reason to watch it is for Peter Ustinov who is having a great old time playing the traveling patent medicine man. This is his second film for Disney the first being Blackbeard's Ghost which was infinitely better.Young Johnny Doran is told about a fabulous treasure hidden on Matecumbe island in the Florida Keys. He makes a Huckleberry Finn like journey on the river from Kentucky with a young black kid Billy Atmore who Doran's family would have recently owned. Along the way the two plucky lads pick up Robert Foxworth who is Doran's rascally Uncle Jim. Joan Hackett a young bride running from a hideous marriage and Ustinov.Vic Morrow is the chief villain here leading a band of cutthroats seeking the Treasure of Matecumbe for themselves. Our intrepid band of five has more escapes from them and other villains than used to be in one of those old time movie serials. In fact Treasure of Matecumbe feels like one of them. Foxworth and Ustinov have two unbelievable escapes from certain death.Morrow and his gang have an interesting fate in store for them which I won't reveal, but if you see the movie and think about its logical implications with the terminology used, it definitely isn't Disney type material.For the juvenile trade and for fans of Peter Ustinov only.

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I first watched this movie when I was about 7 or 8 and I watched it over and over again it was so good. I wish I could see it again, but the DVD is still very hard to come by. The movie deals with a young boy and his companion who are forced to flee from their home in search of a treasure. Jim and Ben end up meeting lots of different people who can help them along the way, but they also have a lot of things happen to them that either slows them down or simply gets in their way, but none the less it's a very entertaining movie and has a good plot to it. It's a good show to see as a kid or even adult if you like stories that entail treasure hunting. It actually has a good story to it unlike some movies today that are just filled with special effects. So if you want to see a good old fashioned treasure hunting flick then you have found it.

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This is one of those Disney flicks from the '70s that you may or might have enjoyed as a kid and while it retains some charm when you watch it as an adult, you notice some plot holes you didn't notice or were willing to overlook when you were younger. I'm 38 and this is my first time seeing Treasure of Matecumbe which I'd been meaning to watch for 20 years but somehow didn't get to. Anyway, it concerns two boys looking for a treasure in the Florida Keys. Along the way, they encounter a bride escaping from her husband to be, a medicine man, and an uncle of one of them as he's about to be lynched by the Ku Klux Klan! I'll stop right here and mention some of the players: Robert Foxworth, Joan Hackett, Peter Ustinov, Dick Van Patten, Dub Taylor, George 'Goober' Lindsey, and Jane Wyatt who died at 96 a couple of weeks ago, bless her soul. The plot is pretty entertaining though it takes a while to get going. Best sequences involve a hurricane and some pirates led by Vic Morrow. Like I said, this might be more enjoyable for kids than adults so watch it with them if you can.

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