Try to Remember
Try to Remember
PG-13 | 21 February 2004 (USA)
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Fifteen years after a murderer is convicted he is released and all the witnesses against him begin to be murdered.


the leading man is my tpye


You won't be disappointed!


The Worst Film Ever

Micah Lloyd

Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

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I like Mary Higgins Clark's books on the whole, but they often don't translate well to movies. Sadly, this is one of those times. The characters are blaaaaaaand. Garbielle Anwar's character is the one of the most pathetic portrayals of a female detective I've come across. The love interest is fine... but dull. The contrary, grumpy sergeant... who also happens to contradict himself every second sentence and apparently doesn't recognise a crime scene and proper police procedure??? sigh. Really? A little less formula and a little more spice would have been nice for the characters, I think. Overall it's just a rather boring take on a potentially interesting story.

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Gabrielle Anwar stars in "Try to Remember," a 2004 film based on a short story by Mary Higgins Clark. Anwar plays a policewoman who returns to her hometown from Detroit after many years, only to be confronted with the old murder case of her best friend again. The killer has been released, and court witnesses are being murdered.Mary Higgins Clark always has a heroine, one very obvious suspect (male), one or two men who might be suspects, and then one or two men who would never be suspected. It wasn't hard to figure this one out.The cast is very attractive - besides Anwar, there is Max Martini, Diego Wallraff, and David Richmond-Peck, all lookin' good. Garry Chalk, a familiar face, plays a detective on the force.A lot of the Mary Higgins Clark adaptations are, like this one, done in Canada, but many have been produced by Sonny Grosso. This one was not, but it isn't any better. All that's missing is Sonny's familiar Psycho-type music.

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Comeuppance Reviews

"Try To Remember" is a mild thriller. The plot is about Lisa (Gabrielle Anwar) who is a detective. She is investigating a crime that happened 15 years ago. It's reopened because the witnesses are starting to die under suspicious circumstances. There aren't many clues, but can she figure it out before there's more victims?.The main problem with this film is that there's too much exposition and buildup. You have to wait for an hour to see anything happen. The acting is fine, but the mystery itself is a little predictable. The writing could've been stronger. The movie takes the easy way out.Overall, it's an okay mystery film if you don't have high expectations.For more insanity, please visit:

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