PG-13 | 13 April 2003 (USA)
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Derrick, a corporate lawyer with a large trust fund, and Zane, a criminal, live in opposite social spheres. Although they never meet, their lives are more connected than either one of them could ever imagine.


An absolute waste of money

Arianna Moses

Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.

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Anoushka Slater

While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.

Claudio Carvalho

The alcoholic lawyer Derrick Hall (Sam Trammell) has his life absolutely controlled by his possessive mother and is not able to give a step by himself. He likes his fiancée Lucy (Susan May Pratt), but he does not give a definition to their relationship, raising a family of their own. He is totally dissatisfied with his life, and wishes to turn it upside down before sleeping. On the next day, his life is swapped with the criminal Zane Waye, and their lives and attitudes are totally altered with the exchange."Undermind" is a promising and intriguing story, but not well resolved. There is no explanation for the swapping of lives between Derrick and Zane. The collision of the colorful world of Derrick Hall, and the black and white reversed world of Zane Waye, with points of contact, is very interesting and original. I intend to see this movie again in the future, to see if I miss some clarification along the confused story. My vote is six.Title (Brazil): "Sem Consciência" ("Without Conscience")

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Hollywood has made more than a few movies where two character somehow swap lives for a time and have to adjust. This is one of the best of the genre. The main characters who end up swapping lives are both 20's, male and have lost their fathers. They differ by being on opposite sides of the legal system, if not societal life altogether. Its almost like two universes only slightly different. Similar people in both doing similar things, but the main character's lives couldn't be more different. The binding similarity between the two universes, was an oath a similar character takes towards the main characters' respective fathers. Of course the "action" universe, where he's in the midst of a very criminal life, is flashier and gets more development, and rightfully so. This story was just told so well. Its been polished and fine tuned and has excellent pace. Just when you've about had it with a whiny mother, the character has too. Everyone was very realistic. There were some nice little details, all print and writing was backwards in the "action" universe, helping guide you through scenes. You have to watch carefully to and absorb what is happening. Try predicting what's next and you'll just be surprised, not by shock, but from genius. The violence is very limited, mostly ketchup on sweaters, no great car chases, just one car blowup. This is not Hollywood.Watch it again and you get more from it. The ending had a nice surprise, but the movie didn't need saving by a big ending. How this movie hasn't gotten more press is a shame. Everyone involved in this project deserves congratulations.

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I saw this at Santa Barbara's film festival and was very surprised. Kind of like Memento but in a way more fascinating. Not entirely sure it all made sense, but it could just be me. But, I AM sure that Sam Trammel is very hot and has real star quality. FAscinating movie.

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I saw this at the Stony Brook Film Festival on Long Island New York and was generally pleased with it. It split first place in the Jury Awards there and made a close run for Audience Choice as well.It takes two characters and basically switches them, giving each a glimpse into the possibilities of parallel existances. Derrick,a spoiled upper crust New Yorker, and Zane, a street thug, are quite opposite but somehow make the mind switch and wind up making do in each other's lives. My main problem with the film was that there was no mechanism for the switch. It was nicely filmed and nicely acted with each of the personalities being likeable and despicable in appropriate doses. The filming of the duality of parallel worlds was quite creative.

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