
The Walk



It's a mediocre one, mostly from the Petit documentary. Gordon-levitt's French is so awkward, I don't know how many paragraphs, "Let's speak English, then a bunch of French people speak English." It was a little too much force. The rest, of course, is the old story. It's nothing new, but it's worth the money on 3D.
The narrative is regular and simple, but it has funny points and is not tiring to watch. Patients with acrophobia suggest avoiding IMAX 3D, and the tension of the last paragraph is still made. And, please, give me Jeff, a cute little loyal dog who teaches algebra and is afraid of heights.
Higher Ground
By putting all his eggs in one basket, even the selfish Philip fulfilled his dream, as well as the dreams of others and viewers. But the tickets, valid forever, did not outweigh the collapse of the twin towers. After watching the documentary, I really felt that the film was too positive and too dull. The 3D was useless, but there was one eye poke that was disgusting.