Ancient Aliens
Ancient Aliens
TV-PG | 20 April 2010 (USA)

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I gave it a 7.5 out of 10


The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.

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This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.

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Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.

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Brucey D

.... is no more ridiculous a hypothesis as those examined in this series.Yes there are many fascinating relics left from ancient cultures and yes we don't understand everything about them. But to attribute anything we don't fully understand to mystical other-worldly beings is the same thought-process that created archaic religions, and is basically at odds with modern scientific thought. Especially when there are other more reasonable explanations. It is just about worth watching these shows in order to see some views of ancient sites that you might not otherwise see unless you travel there personally.But my advice is to keep your gullibility in well check; whenever you hear the words "could ABC have been made by ancient aliens?" the most likely answer is 'no', and when you hear the words "ancient astronaut theorists believe XYZ" then they really mean that this is the exact thing that trained scientists who are experts in this field don't believe for a second because there is no real evidence for it.We didn't suddenly get smart; everything we do and take for granted today is 'standing on the shoulders of giants'; ancient humans were no less ingenious, no less clever and probably harder-working than modern humans are; to randomly attribute their cleverness and hard work to aliens is just botty-water of the worst kind.Amazingly there are 134 episodes of this risible nonsense. I give it two stars just because of the video footage of far-away places. It'd get more than that with most of the commentary removed.

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I'm not sure where all the hate is being generated, a lot of the negative views and call for inaccurate "facts" (theories) have come from people who believe and swear by Resurrection, Heaven, Afterlife, 100 Virgins, Rebirth and the spreading of oceans.This is a series based on theories not facts, much like every religion/religious book that is worshiped by many. All I ask is "that you do to others what you would have them do to you" should you decide to verbalize your theories and beliefs. Listen, enjoy their views then shake your head and leave or accept that "it could be" as you have all done by believing in an entity based on theories and interpretations from script. Great series, give it a watch, believe it, don't believe it, laugh at it, give it some thought, gasp in shock and awe, gasp in shock and disbelief, laugh in humor, cry in shame.Would recommend to everyone who has respect for other peoples theories. Would not recommend to people who aren't willing smile outside of their "way"

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It's scary that that this scores so highly, how gullible is the average person ....doesn't even bear thinking about, though it is unintentionally quite funny and I can't resist watching now and again though I know I shouldn't"when the stone sarcophagus lid was removed it was empty.....was it an ancient teleportation device?"Wtf lolIt also makes an interesting guessing game as to whether the Ancient alien investigator on screen is sincere and self deluded (usually slightly odd looking with strange haircut) a con man (Childress, Eric VD (but fair play it's his adopted baby anyway) and Stanton Friedman ($25 dollars to autograph his book.. jeez!) et al) or sincere but completely off their trolley (David Ickey). Georgio 'Einstein hairdo' Opopolopolis though seems to quite personable, a little tongue in cheek and enjoying the ride, no surprise he got has own series now 'Even more Ancient Alien stuff that's 99.9% nonsense hunters'or some such.Some people believe that the above 'review' is completely accurate, some people believe in Ancient Aliens and some people believe the moon is inhabited by cheese eating Nazi vampires but that don't make it so. Still if I can get enough of them together I may have a Doc channel money spinner, watch this hyper-dimensional space! Hold on..what's that pulsating pyramid doing up in the sky.......... Dave.. Dave.. I'm coming too Dave......

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Regarding : Mr. Erich "con" Daniken: Doesn't any reasonable , logical human being have the right to question the "theory's" put forth by a convicted FRAUD? Or is that just an out-dated way of thinking?? Personally , I'm a big fan of the show , but mostly for its presentation of ancient Sites , Structures , and Cultures . But when the Presenters try to take every strange,unexplained thing in History and say "ALIENS"!! that is pure conjectural Nonsense.I would not label a Race that survived the last Ice Age(not to mention Plagues,etc,etc) as "idiots" as EvD has. Also , the disturbing habit a few of the more radical(and irritatingly self-serving)people on there have of stating conjecture and "hypothesis" as FACT. And some of them DO just That. This show throws the whole credibility of the History Channel into question.

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