Bob's Burgers
Bob's Burgers
TV-14 | 09 January 2011 (USA)

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    People are voting emotionally.


    Great Film overall


    It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.

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    Robert Joyner

    The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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    This was very misleading. This was not a sequel to spongebob, what a rip-off. This is about Mr. Moustache (not spongebob) and his family. I like burgers but not Bob. This is a sequel to Spongebob which is a sequel to god, the devil and bob. So bob is no longer a sponge and god and the devil are not present. This show is good by it's own standers but not continuing the Bob saga. Would reccomend if you haven't seen the other shows. Good laughs and linda looks like Patrick

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    I love bobs burgers but due to this 1st episode of the 8th season I may not be watching it anymore. I hope this is the only episode with this fan art crap, why would they do this? Worst decision ever!!! They changed the graphics/animation, it is not the same! Its one of those things where someone tries to change and make things better but only makes things worse.

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    Mancala Parakina

    Everything else in the Bob's Burgers series aside, the way Tina Belcher is portrayed is an insult to my intelligence. Though twice her age, I'm basically her real-life counterpart — autistic (Aspie), a voice of reason, interested in many guys (and their backsides, BTW) at once, have a passion for books, music, and horses, generally sweet (but can be sassy!), honest and direct, "socially awkward" at times, and often feel the need to scratch in, well, less-desirable areas. I also have dark hair and wear glasses, if that helps. However, Tina is the embodiment of harmful stereotypes about female adolescence — that her hormones are so out of control that her voice drops — and autistic women, fearless women, and female intelligence — that we're more manly, hence Dan Mintz as her voice actor. All the Internet fame because an adult male is speaking for her. Unless necessary for her gender identity (I'll explain later), I feel that Tina doesn't need a man to voice her. Otherwise it's proof we still live in a male-dominated society and haven't come as far as we say we have.(Spoiler and option #1) Dan Mintz made a huge faux pas when he said in an interview that Tina is better if voiced by a man (or something like that) due to her interests and straightforwardness. It's as if she has the same hormonal and thought patterns of a guy; ergo, she's better off voiced by one. Oops! Sounds like a validation of male dominance with the delusion that straightforwardness, especially concerning one's sexuality, is a male trait. Not falling for that one!:))) My first option would be for the network to give Tina a feminine voice, because it's about time a confident, independent female character isn't an outlet for stereotypes. (Spoiler and option #2) Tina was originally Daniel, a possible caricature of Mr Mintz himself. In "God Rest Ye Merry Gentle-Mannequins," Tina mentions her "assigned gender," referring to Daniel. In "Letters Written by Linda" in the Bob's Burgers comic, Linda imagines an alternate universe where Tina is, you guessed it, Daniel again. That said, my second option would be for Tina to come out as transgender or gender non-conforming, taking out any guesswork as to why her voice is the way it is. (Option #3) Tina comes out as transgender and gets voiced by a real-life trans woman. I see this option as more realistic, since she could also play the other trans women in the series, currently played by cis men and have stereotypical roles to boot. (Option #4) If either of the above options fail, and the network decide to keep Tina cisgender and polyamorous, I can play her (seriously). Why not have a real-life counterpart play her? I don't care how far-fetched it sounds, it's still possible!)))

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    Alficus Edwards

    I will say one thing about this show. IT IS NOT FUNNY. there is NOTHING funny about this show AT ALL. I watched two episodes, after hearing about how funny it is. all I see on twitter is screenshots of it. It is often held on the same level with Seth McFarlane shows. but it was not a funny show. And before all the humour hipsters turn up and tell me that I 'don't get it' no. you're wrong. when I googled why it was so bad, I found a (very condescending) article telling my how to find it funny. But I don't want to watch a cartoon which i have to condition myself to find funny. When i first saw family guy, I instantly loved it, the jokes were fast paced, clever, and in great number. I also greatly enjoyed American Dad, as although there are no cutaways, the situations are so ridiculous and satirical, its hilarious. and the Internet claims 'bob's burgers' is like that. A hilarious show with crazy situations so outlandish it was funny. but it wasn't. it had no 'dry humour' like the internet claimed. Every situation explored was totally realistic. too realistic. as if i was just watching how a real family would act. like i lived with my Latino friend for a month, that is just this show. One episode, about when they got a health inspection, had a long section where the family crowded round to look at the crotch of a 12 year old girl. where they joked about child molesters, and then debated which of their children they would rather have raped by a stranger. (settling on the 12 year old). literally in the same scene they spent about 4 minutes making fun of autistic people. it was not funny, dry humour. it was sick. and the jokes that were not sick just weren't funny. i knew what was supposed to be funny, i knew what sections were meant to be funny, but i didn't laugh. If you are looking for a great show to watch and unwind to, DO NOT WATCH THIS SHOW. don't let the humour hipsters of the Internet convince you this is at all funny. watch a Seth mcfarlane show, or a Matt Groening show, and actually enjoy yourself. also the animation was appalling, it looked like it was from the eighties. and all the female characters have male voice actors, who do not attempt to sound female. it just sounds like an adult man talking. HILARIOUS RIGHT? right?!?!? no. the voice acting is terrible, and poorly delivered. without any effort or passion. if a few of these jokes were in a Seth mcfarlane show, they might be funny, as they would be delivered well. the characters are detestable, unlikable and unfunny. weather you like Seth mcfarlane shows or not, you can at least like the characters. they are at least relatable. anyone who thinks this is funny is either crazy or trying to be hip. the voice actors and writing feel creepy, as if the residents of a mental institution wrote and recorded the show on an antipsycotic fueled fever dream high. avoid at all costs, do not waste 20 minutes of your life on this utter drivel. I honestly don't know how this show got past the pitch stage to the network, let alone a pilot episode.

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