TV-14 | 19 April 2016 (USA)

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  • Season 1 : 2016 | 13 Episodes

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    Not even bad in a good way


    This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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    Ariella Broughton

    It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.

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    The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;

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    I missed out on this show when it was airing, I hadn't even heard of it. Netflix suggested it to me and I have binged it over the past 2 days and I must say that I am sad that it was canceled. It's a good show, so much better than the other reality show garbage they keep filling the airwaves with...rotting our brains. I love these virus outbreak shows and movies, and I think this one really focuses on the humanity aspect - both the positive and negative - of the terror. Some reviewers have said that the writing and acting is poor, but I greatly disagree. If you're curious, just give an episode a try...see what you think.

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    Stumbled upon Containment browsing Netflix for something to do on a rainy Saturday night, and never expected something so captivating and moving such as Containment. The plot was believable, acting was great, and writing and production was excellent. I was choked up a few times throughout the series, and what made it more compelling was how I arrived at the show feeling prepared to be amused for a short time, perhaps an episode or two, and move on like the rest. It didn't turn out that way; I was glued to the television, which I rarely am, and I pretty much watched the entirety within a few days. There were highs and lows, sadness and happiness, but throughout was excitement. I was saddened to hear the series would not be renewed, as this story could definitely go on, perhaps with the virus spreading outside the cordon. There are a few loose ends to be tied up as well, and they definitely left it open to be continued. Haven't really heard of CW since now, whom I highly recommend giving this series a second look. Enjoy!

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    I started this show the other day because I was sick and in need of a binge watch. The pilot episode was pretty good, some of the acting was questionable and there were a few over the top clichés, but the premise was interesting and I wanted to see where the show went. I only got three episodes in before I started skim watching the episodes. This entire season could've been trimmed down to about five episodes, they were so full of ridiculous filler and clichés. The pregnant girlfriend, unlikely love interest, lovers separated by the wall, kid being bratty but the show disguised it as bravery, all of the crazies come out. It was ridiculous. What makes shows great is the realism within the fantasy world, and this show had none of that. None of the characters acted like normal humans. The acting was bad, the premise spiraled into chaos, I have no clue how this show got good ratings on Netflix. Don't waste your time with this show.

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    Started watching this to see if it was any good and I got to say I'm hooked. I've read mixed reviews, but I found the characters likable and the story believable only partially. All the drama and life inside the containment is believable if you remember that it's not supposed to be a true story or a documentary on how a containment of an outbreak would really work. The cordon is a plot device that is there to let the show focus on the main characters relationships inside and outside the wall. Without it it would just be another world ending plague show. Yes the writers could have been a little more faithful the how real disease control works and better use of ppe and bio-hazard procedures, but it's not the main focus of the show. The focus is in the people and while I'm sure in the real world outside the wall people would be super protected from infection. We forget that the people inside the wall are largely unsupervised. People are careless when they think their safe. Even temporarily. People also tend to look after themselves or their group and only move to assist others after the crisis is over. So if you can get over the blatant lack of real quarantine procedures. The show evolves into a pretty good drama with death lurking around every corner

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