TV-14 | 13 June 2012 (USA)

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  • Season 3 : 2014 | 15 Episodes

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    everything you have heard about this movie is true.

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    In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

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    This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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    It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

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    I was a fan of the original show in reruns and let me say I Loved this reboot! This follows the next generation of schemers while at the same time bringing in members of the original cast. Patrick, Suellen and of course JR Ewing! The addition of Judith Light to the cast was brilliant!Manipulation, power, sex, action! Great nod to long time fans with enough camp and hot cast to bring in younger viewers.Larry Hagman passed away during the series and the on screen tribute will make longtime viewers cry! If you haven't seen it add it to your watchlist ASAP! It was cancelled too soon and I'm still bitter!!!

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    aidan kane

    Few shows have the built in fan base, history, and mythology as "Dallas". From the story lines to the cliff hangers, to the capable performances, "Dallas" delivered every Friday night for over a decade. The disappointing thing about this new series is the producers' lack of this rich history, disregard for the fan base and ignorance of the mythology. Watching this first episode left me cold for a couple of different reasons. John Ross drilling for oil on Southfork; any viewer of the original series knows this has long been against Miss Ellie's wishes. J.R. tried it once before and caught hell for it. How John Ross managed to sneak a drilling crew on the ranch under Bobby's nose defies explanation. John Ross, later in the episode insults Christopher for not being a "real Ewing" and makes some crack about his daddy buying him from some deadbeat.If John Ross is aware of this history, wouldn't he also be equally aware of who Christopher's birth mother is? Why on earth would he bring that up? Another scene left me shaking my head was the dinner scene: Rebecca asked Elena to be her bridesmaid and everyone at the table looked uncomfortable about it, because Christopher and Elena apparently used to be a couple. With the viewer not having seen these relationships unfold and develop, the scene came across as a wasted effort. The first episode of the original "Dallas" is on DVD, I recommend viewers of this new series compare its first episode to the original to see how character and plot development come together.The prior series also did a much better job casting its characters,especially the men.Watching vintage Dallas is almost like watching a western set in the city. These guys had gravitas. J.R. Bobby, Ray,etc. were fully grown,"man's man" type guys. These two new leads look like college boys.Neither of them look like they could head a billion dollar corporation,ride in a rodeo, or make women weak kneed.Casting on this series was a big misfire. Why the producers haven't mined the rich history from Dallas" golden age to script characters for this new series is a mystery. For those who want to say"This is a different show!", think again. The producers took the theme song, the families, the concept, some of the history of the original series. To continue a story, you need continuity. On the whole, my personal opinion is the producers are drawing a check based on little more than the reputation of the series that preceded this one.

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    Who'd have thought it? It looked doomed to disaster, but in fact it's great. It has exactly the same crazed atmosphere and bizarre plot twists as the original series. I never thought they'd crack it. There's lots to love: Linda Gray seems to have metamorphosed into an anorexic animatronic puppet, with the skin precariously stretched over her face bones. You feel she might shatter at any moment - but she is still strangely attractive and fascinating to watch. She can still pack a punch as Sue Ellen. Admittedly in season two she undergoes a complete mentality switch in no time flat, but, hey, it's Dallas. Bobby and J R are still very good (though J R's just died here in the UK run). Perhaps more importantly the two cousins are very good actors. Josh Henderson is great as John Ross. The make-up and hair department have let him down a little by overdoing the sleazy look - who'd buy a gallon of anything from this man? Jesse Metcalfe is the perfect counterfoil. He has a more difficult part to play as the goodie, since in drama is notoriously harder to make a goodie interesting. The young women are only so-so. Elena is just a younger and less interesting skeleton than Sue Ellen and Pam just pouts most of the time. Neither of them can hold a candle to Victoria Principal in her prime, or to Linda Gray. However, Brenda Strong is excellent and has the best acting ability on the set, at least among the women.Don't cancel it, TNT. We want to see it here in the UK, despite the ridiculous time slot Channel 5 has given it.

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    I treated myself to the original Dallas box-set last Christmas as they were a steal at around €100 for the whole series on single sided disks. I remember them from the very start and were compelling viewing every week. After 35 years they are still fun to watch again. What made the original so good is that is was very sharply written, was full of black humour, marvellous character actors who played bankers, oil men, politicians and even J.Rs shady private detectives. I could go on and on. (Pity about the showing of previews before the episodes begin. This sorta ruined it for me and would have been better if they had shown last on Dallas and not next on Dallas)Any let's get to the New Dallas:I am joining the one star merchants on this as this New Dallas is really scraping the bottom of the oil barrel on ideas and can only be described as appalling. It was shameful to watch J.R. as a feeble old man along with the other original cast members bickering and fighting like a bunch of stupid kids. Not even J.R (R.I.P) can salvage this debacle. I'm not going to go over the ground of the other wiser and older one star merchants. This series has woeful actors and acting. The muzak is ear shattering and it is going nowhere very fast. Young over made up and useless actress combined with useless, witless, charmless male actors and all wishing they were doing something else. As I write this, the last appearance of Larry Hagman was just shown and as bad as season one was, this season is ten times worse. I was very surprised when the commissioned a second series and actually tortured us with an additional five episodes. If this goes to a third season I will start eating body parts.You know the old sayings, Let sleeping dogs lie, if it ain't broke.

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