DCI Banks
DCI Banks
TV-14 | 16 September 2011 (USA)
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  • Season 5 : 2016 | 6 Episodes

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    One of the worst movies I've ever seen


    Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

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    Joanna Mccarty

    Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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    There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes

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    Loved it! Going to start on the books! Wish it were longer. Excellent cast, interesting stories!

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    To be clear, I thoroughly enjoy British detective stories and I enjoy the DCI Banks series. I have the last four episodes of the final season to go. However, I keep waiting - and here comes the cliff hanger - for Banks and the writers to address the unresolved issue of relationships in the work place. Will my concern be alleviated in the last four episodes? If I were to guess, I'd say the answer is no.

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    I have read a few of the books but not the ones that were the basis of the TV series. This is a good TV series. I had seen episodes over the years on my PBS station but was happy to watch it again through steaming. My other half, who likes fast paced American mysteries and thinks UK mysteries too slow, enjoyed these episodes. We were both sad that the series wasn't continued. I like Alan's ongoing relationship with his family and the changes in the other team member's relationships over time. One of the most interesting dynamics was the relationship between Helen and Annie that changes completely in the series. Alan does seem to get angry a lot and seem calmer in the books I have read. Highly recommended.

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    steve (snafu22q)

    I'm not quite sure why this isn't rated higher. Though the acting is quite good, the real treasure here are the stories. They take you through the investigations bit by bit, not revealing too much, just like a good novel (of which there are a plethora by the author, Peter Robinson). Frequently there is a twist at the end, always a plus. The characters interact quite well, and as you get to know them, there are even the bits of the subtle humor the English are known for. The visuals are wonderful, showing the charming English countryside and the grittiness of the cities. Perhaps the director would be better served by revealing more of the history of the characters. Having not read any of the numerous novels in the series (though I plan to), I'm unsure what additional material is omitted in the TV versions. It's a shame IMDb features such a scathing review in such prominence (honestly, I couldn't disagree more with the reviewer's complaints - they seem petty). I think this is a very good addition for Masterpiece Theater, always known for quality productions. I sincerely hope the producers will make more.

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